Saturday, July 11, 2009

Holy Red Houndstooth!!!

So I stopped at my favorite thrift store and what did I find but a big roll of RED HOUNDSTOOTH FABRIC!!!!! I almost squealed out loud in delight!!!! and it was only 99 cents! How great is that! I will be perfect for accenting my collages and scrappy pages!

Here's a closeup...

and here's a pic of it with my other finds of the day...Those tiny deer are super cute and I figure they will look cute to accent some Sassafras paper, and that bottom children's book is really vintagey looking and the pages are made of fabric and stitched together - perfect for some painted pages!

I'm starting to be very picky when I go to the thrift store - I mean a woman can only store so much thrifty stuff in her craft room, know what I mean? Which brings me to my question - DO YOU LIKE RED HOUNDSTOOTH? Would you like to share this fabric with me?

Provided it doesn't fall apart in the wash (I'm washing it right now), I will draw three random names to send a 12 x 12 piece of my beloved houndstooth to. Just leave a comment by tonight at midnite, and mention that you want to be in the drawing. I will post the winners names in tomorrow's post. After all - sharing is caring, right?

I have been working like crazy making stuff, but none of it is ready to share yet. Hopefully by tomorrow's post...

I've got all day to scrap today (altho it is already almost 1pm and I just got up - aargh), and all kinds of inspiration! I've got tons of Art Journaling homework, I'm playing a scraplifting game over at SiS, and I'm hoping to do the current challenge over at BASB, The Next Step and Scrapping Out Loud.

How about you? What are your scrappy plans for this weekend? Whatever they are I wish you tons of inspiration!

I will see you tomorrow my friends - take care and thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. You must have some nice thrift stores where you live. When I go into mine the merchandise never changes. After a while I just stop going to them. I can't wait to see what you do with that vintagey book.

  2. Such cool finds!!!1 Can't wait to see what you are going to do with them!


  4. yeah... i agree with Ally... SCORE!!!

    and um, red houndstooth? there is not much cooler than that, so if i am lucky enough, feel free to send some this way ;-)

  5. Ohhhh love that red houndstooth fabric too!!! So jealous of your great finds....I must go vintage shopping soon.

    And to add to your list of kits - check out Kenner Road. - they always include wonderful vintage items! LOVE LOVE LOVE that place.


  6. blah, blah, blah. Heck yeah! I'd love some red houndstooth! blah, blah, blah. hee!!!

    thanks m!

  7. love that houndstooth--pick me!

    looks like you got some other great goodies--I never have the patience for thrift stores anymore--sifting through the junk to find the treasures makes me sneeze, lol!

  8. Oh my my - you are soooo lucky!!

    Gorgeous-smorgeous finds!!!

  9. Great fabric and so nice of you to offer some up to 3 lucky ladies!

    Thanks for always being so sweet and generous friend!

  10. Color me impressed.

    I just wanted to pop in and say: looks pretty cool around here!

  11. You have no idea how much I understand that you have to hold back at a thrift store! My house is gonna bust open pretty soon if I don't stop!!! LOL!!! Love your fabric find!
