Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Project 365 - Week Thirty...

It was a really fun week...

Monday, July 20th: I got an awesome happy mail package from my friend Denise. Vintage children's book pages, mostly cat-themed; and there was even one about a cat named Willie! How awesome is that?
Tuesday, July 21st: Willie discovers my lunchbox full of yo-yo's during an evening scrapping session...

Wednesday, July 22nd: My retro typewriter arrived...

Thursday, July 23rd: Rummaging thru an old box of memorabilia, I came across this photo of me at four years old...

and the last three are from Saturday, July 25th:

Willie looks down at us from the second floor landing, as we're on our way out the door for a walk. The picture's not upside down. This is what we saw when we looked up...

Looking up from the trunk of a very tall tree...

and the smile that melts my heart...

and guess what - I even finished a layout this week! Here's how it turned out...

Did you hear the news? SiSTV is closing their online boutique. I'm sad to hear it, but it sounds like it's going to be best in the long run, because Jeanette (the owner) will have more time to devote to the online community/website. Can't wait to see what exciting things she has planned for the future! In the meantime, there is a 40% off everything sale that started at midnite, so head on over and check it out if you're interested.

The big reveal at Studio Calico was a lot of fun! The kits this month look absolutely beautiful. I ended up ordering all three add-on kits, plus a bottle of lime green maya mist! I am so excited!!! I can hardly wait for them to arrive! When they do, I will be sure to share pics.

So, next on my ever-lovin list are my Project 52 ATCs for the month of July. There were five Wednesdays in July, so I need to come up with a set of five. I've got a number of theme ideas in mind. Hmmmmm.....

That is it until tomorrow. I wish you an absolutely beautiful, happy and creative Wednesday! Thanks so much for stopping by, and thank you for your comments!!! They really make my day!


  1. You at the age of 4... so cute! And I have the feeling I'm getting to know Willie... I LOVE CATS!!!

  2. I love that tree glad you could put the vintage paper to use!

    I just couldn't stay up until midnight to shop at SIStv...a lot of what I *might* have considered is gone...but I'm still wiped out (budget-wise) from SIScon, so I'll have to wait until August to do any shopping :)

  3. Cool stuff..I have a blondie cat too I just love him

    living, creating, and appreciating
    ~my blog

  4. those pages look sooo awesome! And the pic of the cat looking down at you guys is too too ADORABLE!!!!!

  5. Ohh, love that upside-down photo of Willie! CUTE!....And I need to go shopping at SIS today... It does sound like it's a good thing for JJ and her family, so I'm really happy for her!!

  6. you look so cute and your kittie is the best!!!

  7. I love the pics of Willie! Such a ham! Your pics are all amazing and love the way your layout turned out!

  8. way to go on the layout!!!

    LOVE the vintage book and that retro typewriter. I might have to come visiting with a big skirt on and see if I can sneak that out with me.

    I'm kidding.

  9. Love your Project 365 photos! I'm impressed you are keeping up! Those vintage pages are adorable!

  10. Awesome photos! And I love how your layouts turned out! Some day... I will do 365. But for now, I'll just look at yours and "ooh" and "ahhhh." LOL.

  11. I'm drooling over your typewriter!
