Sunday, August 23, 2009

Miscellaneous Sunday News...

I spent all day and evening yesterday trying to break through my stalled mojo. That always happens when I quit scrapping for a few days. It takes some effort to get it going again. Do any of you have that problem? What usually happens to me is - I tryto start about a million different projects, don't get anywhere with any of them and end up surfing the net instead. HA. Yesterday though - with the help of my beloved project list, I knew what I had to finish and I eventually ended up breaking through that wall and getting it done. Once I started I had a lot of fun with it - I finished about 3 am and REALLY wanted to start another project, but alas I figured I should probably get some sleep - aargh.

Anyhoo, the layout I finished is for the song that will be revealed tonight at Scrapping The Music, so I will have to wait to share it here. Oh, p.s. the slideshow for "Kiss Me Thru The Phone" is up right now and it's lots of fun, so hurry over there if you want to check it out!

In other news, I am so excited to tell you that my gallery at is the featured gallery today on their gallery walk! I didn't even know such a thing existed, but I got an email this morning telling me I had been chosen - I feel so honored! You can check out the thread here.

Oh, also, I discovered a new challenge blog through my friend Mandy today. It's called "What's Ad About," and as you probably guessed, they feature advertisements for inspiration. This is the one they have for August...
isn't it cool? So creative and inspiring. If you want to play along, I think there are only a few more days - check it out here.

Alrighty then, I am off to work on my first layout for the "Totally Addicted to Sketch" blog (also known as TATS - I love that acronym!); and then hopefully there will be time for another project too!

Have a super duper Sunday, and thanks for stopping by!


  1. congrats on the gallery walk and thanks for the updates on the other challenges - I think I will change the old lament to - so many challenge blogs, so little time!

  2. great updates! yeah! that ad is cool!
