Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Project 365 - Week 34...

Last week was an awesome week! We had our second "kids appreciation getaway," plus my birthday was on Friday...

Monday, August 17: I like how this closeup of Tony's layout came out...
Wednesday, August 19: A rainy drive up to the North Shore (Lake Superior) for our getaway with the kids...

Wednesday, August 19 part two: We started my birthday celebration early at our cabin on the lake - that way we could have cake for two days!...

Thursday, August 20: Family fun at Split Rock Lighthouse - LOL (Left to right is me, Michael, Becca, Tony and Steve)...
and this pic of the lighthouse itself will go in the extra journaling space for the week...

Friday, August 21: Don't the kids look tiny in this huge chair?...

Saturday, August 22: Back home Johnny and Willie greet us warmly...

Sunday, August 23: Finding the correct chipboard letters for a layout is a group effort...

and that's my week! Our family getaway was a lot of fun. It rained the entire time, but that didn't stop us from getting out, seeing some sights and taking pics (many of which will be showing up in future layouts I'm sure). Our cabin was nice and cozy too, good for having a fire in the fireplace. Most of all, it's just great getting all three kids together for a few days and spending time as a family. Just beautiful.

So, I'm off to work on my layout for the Favorite Things Blog, which is all about movies this time. This should be lots of fun!!! I will be back tomorrow with another update - thanks sooo much for stopping by!


  1. such fun photos- so love the one with the kids on the chair!

  2. Again, congratulations on your birthday! (there's snailmail on its way!) Your photo's show a great week! I love the last one... you on the floor with the cats looks so darn cute!!!

  3. You are the fifth person I have heard that headed up north within the last couple of weeks. I think I am missing out! Lovely photos. The one of the heads at Split Rock cracks me up!

    Happy birthday a bit late!

  4. lol love all the photos!! Looks like a fun time was had by all, despite the rain!

  5. great photos - and WOW those cats are huge! love that they help you scrap! :)

  6. That chair is too funny! Happy late birthday :)

  7. this is liz from SC...my hubby is logged in to google and doesn't want me to log out...

    great pics! i looove your scrap room and your little helpers! have a great day, girl! and a happy belated birthday!

  8. HAHAHA That is hilarious!! That cat fits perfectly in your box! lol
    Loving that first pic...looking pretty sweet! Awesome and fun other pics, too!
    I hope you are having a great week, sweetie!

  9. ooh! you were in my favorite place in minnesota!! the north shore just calls to me! lol sounds like you had a great time, even if the weather was crummy. did you try the pizza at the little place behind the giant adirondack chair? it's amazing!

  10. Sorting those Melissa Frances letters... yeah, I put those in alpha order the second I got them! LOL. I knew they'd frustrate me later if I didn't! LOL. And now they're all laying out to stay that way! Ah well. ;)

    Cute photos! And mmm... cake! I would love to eat that cake in two days as well! LOL. :D

  11. Ooh, the trip sounds so fun! Love the pic of you and the kitty looking for alphas!

  12. OMYGOSH!!! I soooooooooooooo DID not KNOW your BIRTHDAY was FRIDAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee the photos and loving the CHAIR they are in! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
