Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tour of My Scraproom...

I got my scraproom all cleaned up! Yeayyyy! I want to give you a little tour! Here's an overview shot...
Starting on the left is the entrance to the room. Then you see my inspiration wall. The desk setup over there is the office area, with my computers, printers and cat bed (the most important part!) The desk in the middle of the room is my scrapdesk, which came from Ikea. The little orange bucket is one of two in the room that I use to store my newest supplies. This keeps them out right in front of me. If I see it I use it. That big roll of paper is some that Michael brought home from the paper mill. I absolutely LOVE it! It's super cool, kinda grainy, kraft paper made from all recycled materials. I use it on layouts and also to cover my scrap table. On the far right is my Clip-it-Up. This is where I keep almost all of my misc. embellies.

Here's the view of my scrap table from another angle. The white carts are full of rubber stamps. All except for the top right drawer which is full of collage/art journal bits and pieces. On top of the carts is my collection of paint. The cubes in the background are actually two huge Bookcases from Ikea. That's where I keep almost all of my scrapping stuff.
From this angle you can see a closer view of the cat bed where Willie and Johnny stretch out to watch the birds; and there's little Willie taking a snooze in the recliner. The pillow on the chair was handmade by my sister, and the green throw on the back of the chair was handmade by my mom. I love them both so much! Behind Willie you can see how I organize my paper. On the far left on the top row is 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock, and paper pads. The next row is all my colored cardstock, and below that, separated by color is patterned paper.

To the right of the papers are the boxes that I keep my collections in. They are just old shipping boxes that I repurposed by covering them with wrapping paper and/or contact paper. Then I stick a label on the front with the name of the collection. When I use up the collection, I just slap a new label on top of the old one and it is ready for my next collection. I find I do most of my scrapping by grabbing one of these boxes. Here's a close-up...

Above the recliner in that same corner I have a vintage pants hanger. This is where I hang my most recent layout so I can look at it for awhile before it goes in a book.

Here's a view of the room from the other side. In those cubes I keep ribbons, punches, printer ink, empty notebooks and other misc stuff. The yellow crate holds big envelopes where I store my extra scraps of paper. It's organized by color...

Here's another view of the office area and my inspiration wall. That beautiful painting that says "Beauty" on it was made by Aimee (colmeec on SiS). I absolutely love it! You can also see my Project 52 ATCs and a number of other projects. That lovely built in desk was made by my talented hubby for me.
Here's another view of my favorite corner. You can see my project list hanging from the magnet board, my beloved lava lamp (a gift from mom), and retro typewriter.
So, that's pretty much it! I love my room and I feel so lucky to have it! I used to scrap in the livingroom of my small condo, and kept all my stuff in a closet. It was fine, but it makes me really appreciate having a whole room to myself.

I hope your weekend is going well! I am working on a layout for Lotus Paperie right now, and I hope to start on the current BASB challenge tonight too.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. so funny- we had the same thoughts about our scrap space! I can't scrap that great when my room is in shambles and today was the day-I knew if I blogged about it, I'd be more commited to doing it-plus my whole family likes a clean house and my studio was getting an "F" :)

    kate off to work on the table and some layouts!

  2. Your scrapbook room looks really fun and inviting. Inspiring too! Cleaning up some of the muck in my own room is on the docket for tonight. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Your scrap studio is fabulous!!!! I love how you have everything so organized and easy to locate. You are inspiring me to reorganize mine starting tomorrow. thanks so much for sharing your studio!

  4. Woooowiiiiieeee!!!! That's one inspirational place you got there! I even called my love and showed the pics to him: THAT'S what I want!!! but we don't have a spare room :( I LOVE YOUR ROOM MICHELLE!!! (and great cleaning!)

  5. Omg - it ROCKS! I miss ya michelle! Love the layout!

  6. WOW, can I come over and scrap with you?

  7. I totally hate you know! lol j/k looks fab and love your blog.

  8. LOVE your space. I have my eye on those Ikea units as well! Wonderful stuff. Looks very ZEN!

  9. haha LOVE the space girl .. I wanna come and sleep over just to touch your stuff

  10. What a yummy scrap room!! Oh man!!.... I totally agree w/your statement "If I see it, I use it." I'm totally keeping that in mind when I reorg soon. And Steph Wheeler recommended a Clip-It-Up to me on Sat., as I'm having sticker storage issues. Maybe I'll try one....

  11. absolutely LOVE IT! all the colors are amazing

  12. Michelle I loved seeing your space, it's gorgeous!!! What a neat idea to let us tour it, now I can visualize where you are when you are creating!

  13. Michelle, I just found your blog. I LOVE it! And, your studio is amazing. I was really struck by how much it is 'you'! And your organization is amazing. Hugely inspiring!!!
    Blessings, your friend Lynne from A Prompt A Day

  14. Your Willie looks just like my boy (except for the white)!

    I just love the way you have everything arranged! (And I thought I had stuff! ;o)

    I never knew what to do with cards. Now I know!

    If you've got it- flaunt it!

    I am a visual learner too. If I do not see something, I forget I have it, although not completely.

