Friday, September 18, 2009

Project 365 Week 37

I'm finally getting caught up with my Project 365 photos from last week! We are on Week 37...

Monday, September 7: A pic of my new computer - a birthday present from Michael!
Tuesday, September 8: My new 2010 planner arrives in the mail...

and here's how it looks on my desk next to my client photo albums...
Wednesday, September 9: My cute vintage pop carton that now houses my journaling pens...
Thursday, September 10: Michael received his 15 year AA medallion! A very special day!
here's an up close view...
Friday, September 11: A big day for us as we closed on the sale of my condo (the one I owned from before we got married). We took our realtor to lunch at our favorite Thai restaurant - Chiang Mai Tai in Uptown Minneapolis (I grabbed this photo from the restaurant's website)...
Saturday and Sunday, September 12 & 13: Michael and I relaxed with a "24" marathon. We are on Season Six and LOVING IT! (pic grabbed from the web)...

It feels great to get caught up with this! I must admit it's getting harder to remember to take a photo every day! But that's what challenges are about, right? I am doing better again this week, so hopefully I am back on track!

How about the rest of you that are doing Project 365? Is it getting harder or no? Do you think you will do it again next year?

Next on my beloved project list is the "Q" page for the "A Year In The Life of an Art Journal" project. I hope to also do the journal prompts from the Autumn=Love class tonight too.

I will be back tomorrow with another update. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments! They really make my day!


  1. wow- what a cool bday gift and i love love love your planner- thatis right up my alley!!!!

  2. Congrats to Michael for receiving the medallion! That's great!!!!
    I had some catching up to do - I was busy NOT blogging and surfing the last couple of days, but now I'm "back in business and twice as strong"... have a great weekend my friend!!!

  3. *sigh* loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the photos......YAY for a NEW COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):) And tell Michael for me....I'm getting my 20 yr. chip in Feb. ... he and I are going have to have a "bill w" celebration over our AWESOME accomplishments! Tell him CONGRATS for me too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):) And I always KNEW I LOVED U.....BUT HELLO.....EVEN MORE NOW.....RAISING MY HAND WAVING LIKE CRAZY.....cuz can U say JACK BAUER?????????????????????????????????? LOVE him....LOVE 24....but *sniff sniff* I miss President Palmer....he was the bestest ever!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. 15 years is awesome! Congrats to your husband. Love your 365 photos. I need to update mine. I take them and forget to post them. Duh...I will work on that.......someday. LOL!

  5. hello fellow MAC owner, I just love those computers, you won't regret having one!

    lovely blog too, I'll be sure to visit more often.
