Saturday, November 21, 2009

A New Page and Thrift Store Treasures...

I can't believe it's already November 21st! EEK! That means only 9 more days of my Prompt-A-Day class! I hope we find out soon about December's class! I'm having so much fun with this, I would hate to see it end! Anyhoo, here's my page for yesterday...

Friday, November 20:
I have been finding some FABULOUS treasures at the thrift store lately! Here's a pic of what I got today and the last time I went...
The Herb Alpert album will make a great journal cover, cuz I my parents had that album when I was a kid and I remember it so well! I also love the white guest book cuz the inside pages are cool and vintage looking. I think I will use it as either a mini-album or a future art journal.

The most exciting find tho, was this vintage train case!!! Check it out...

I've been looking for one of these since I started my Autumn=Love class, because one of the projects is a Craft Travel kit, and I thought one of these would be perfect for it. I've been looking online and they are expensive and hard to find, and then here was this beauty at the thrift store for only $3.99! Yeayyyyy! I'm going to clean it up and decorate it and it will be so fun!!!

The inside has a mirror that's in great shape, and a divided tray...
The tray comes out and there are three zipper pouches (perfect for journaling pens and the like!) I'm so EXCITED!!!

And here's the last thing I bought at the thrift store today. I think I may have mentioned before that I haven't been able to focus on reading for a long time. Well, I am hoping that this will bring me out of my reading slump...
Stephen King was always my favorite, and I remember wanting to get this trilogy and I never did. Now to just find the time...

Alrighty then, I got about halfway through my "S is for Song" page last night, so tonight I am going to finish it. I hope to be back tomorrow to show you how it turned out!

Have a wonderful Saturday, and thanks for visiting me!!!


  1. Hi Michelle..I saw your post this morning and had to say hi. I love to thrift and decided to start putting my finds up too. The funny thing is I remember my dad had all the Tijuanna Brass albums and my mom had a PINK! case like this. Wish I would have kept it! Anyway,,,happpy weekend and I love the latest page! :) Nan

  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love love love what U found at the thrift store!!!! And I am loving that journal page....those lions are wonderful!!!!! And I love Stephen King too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. That case is awesome!!! And I would love to stroll the thrift stores (or second hand market sales or whatever is there...) with you.. gorgeous stuff you found there!!!

  4. your art journal is truly fabulous & inspirational !

  5. What a score with that train case!!! So cute! I'd be thrilled if I found one. Especially like the green.

  6. Totally jealous of that labelmaker! Did it come with tape?
