Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 28th Journal Page...

Michael and I finally rented "Twilight" and we both thought it was great fun! I hadn't read any of the books, but was anxious to find out what the deal was and now I get it! I can't wait to see "New Moon" in the theatres - maybe on our next date night...

I'm still busily working on my projects. I finished my layout for the TATS blog, but I can't share it until December hits - drat. Oh well. I can share my latest art journal page:

November 28...

as I move into the new December "Prompt-a-Day" class, I am thinking that I will follow the painting and collage prompts more and more loosely, so that by the end of the month, I am doing those parts completely on my own. That will help me make the transition to doing my own thing come January. I am LOVING and NEEDING the journaling prompts tho, and I will stick with them til the end. My plan is to start a journal jar during December. During the month I will collect and think up prompts, and put them in the jar. Then when January comes I can use the jar to grab my prompts from - it should be fun!

Okay, I'm off to catch a few zzzzz's. See you tomorrow!


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh i am so so so so so HAPPY U liked Twilight!!! can not wait to hear what U think of New Moon!!!!! I'm gonna see it again next hehehehehehe....I have 3 free passes....but can't use them until the movies been out for over two weeks!!! LOL!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this page!!!! loveeeeeeeeee that polar bear!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. I keep on hearing about new moon and twilight... and now even you know something about it! OK, OK, I think I'll give in and rent me the books from the library... something to do over Christmas???!!! Love your page!

  3. loved this in the sc gallery, love it here. =)

  4. AMAZING! your blog is fantastic! LOVE!

  5. Gosh your stuff is so great. I miss being able to comment on everything on SIS. Let me know when you update your portfolio! :)

  6. hey michelle. love that tape you got...and i have always loved your art/journal pages. they are So cool!
