Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Now I Just Have to Make Time for Layouts...

I'm doing pretty good at keeping up with the daily journal pages for Kelly's class, and I'm having a blast doing it! My intent was to do a journal page, and another project each day, and that hasn't really been working out. Oh well. I'm hoping the more pages I do, the quicker I will be at them. They really are so fun and stress-free! Here are the ones from the last two days...

November 16:

and November 17:
Now I must clarify that I realized an error in this story after I wrote it. My brother was already in the Navy when I was learning to drive, so he couldn't have been in the car with my dad - LOL. My memory plays tricks on me sometimes. Now I'm thinking - maybe it was my sister Renee in the car with him? Oh well.

I need to get busy on my Project 365 photos for last week too. I'm just curious - for those of you who are doing Project 365 this year, do you think you will continue for 2010? Becky Higgins kit looks super cute and fun, but I'm not sure I have the stamina to go another year. I definitely want to join in on Davinie Fiero's "Project 12" next year. I've been watching other's monthly layouts show up in the Studio Calico gallery, and thinking it looks like fun. I can't wait to get started with that!

Anyhoo, I'm off to work on the prompt for today. Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by!


  1. love the colors and design as always- awesome!

  2. It's so sweet to see birds pop up on your pages all the time... I like that! Since you won scrapgoodies over at my blog, I will search for something "birdies" to stuff in as an extra... love your driving experience story!!!

  3. wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! these are gorgeous michelle!!!! funny story about the driving!!!!! and i thought u said before that Becky was gonna go solo for project 365 next year???? i've never done them....because of time....not because i don't want lol lol.....i met her once!! she is a sweetie! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. I love your journal pages! Can I ask you, what white pen are you using for the journaling? I thought I had every white pen on the planet but I'm sure I don't have anything that's this bright and opaque. I love it!

  5. Love the pages! (And I bet I was in the car with Dad.)
