Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Project 365 Update...

I've completely lost track of what week number we're on, but here are my Project 365 photos from last week...

Monday, November 2: Painting backgrounds for my art journal class...

Tuesday, November 3: The geese parading across the parking lot on my way in to work... (this was already posted as part of my art journal page)...

Urban Art in downtown Minneapolis...

and Johnny loving his new holiday themed catbed...

Saturday, November 7: At the Volkswagen dealer, looking at new Beetles (taken with a cell phone)...

Becca and Stevie blowing out the birthday candles...
and a smile for the camera...

I can't believe there is only a month-and-a-half til the end of the year!!!

I will be back tomorrow with another update. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I looovee the geese parade and street art!

  2. Soooo love the pics!! And Jonny gets me everytime!!!
    Love your street art too - fab feet one!!!

  3. awesome photos!!!!!! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the geese!!! if we ever ever ever do a beatles song on stm...u should soooooooooooooooooo use that me of them walking across the street!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Yessssss, the new year is approaching rapidley! So much happened in my year blogging (blogiversary today) and I'm so glad I met you! Love your pics!

  5. That Project 365 has been really fun to watch. It's going to make an incredible keepsake of the year! Think you'll do it again next year?

  6. That photo of the geese is amazing. I've never seen anything like it!
