Monday, November 2, 2009

Results of My First "Finish-Er-Up Friday"...

I have a mini-album I started in 2006 to commemorate the very first trip Michael and I took together in the fall of that year. It's been ALMOST done for AGES!!! So, for my first "finish something" Friday, I actually put the last details on it and it's DONE! YEAYYY! Here's how it turned out (click to make images larger)...

I used an 8x8 Kolo album, which I stamped and embossed on the cover...

I included some postcards throughout, which were great for journaling on the back of...

On our way up north, we kept track of all the lodges that looked cute for future reference, and I shrunk the list down and put it in this little book, which I slipped into a pocket on this page...

another postcard here...

Oh, and p.s., this trip was to commemorate Michael's 12 years of sobriety...

I made a special mix-CD for the trip, and put a copy of the playlist on this page...

I attached a CD pocket onto the inside back cover...
and for the final finishing touch on Friday, I burned a copy of the CD we played on the trip to store in the pocket...

It feels GREAT to finally have it done!!! This whole "finish-er-up Friday" idea has got potential! I have - er - like about a MILLION projects that are partially done, just waiting for their turn to be completed! Do you ever start projects and not finish them? Or am I the only one?

Alrighty then, I'm off to work on my prompt-a-day class. I will be back tomorrow with another update - and hopefully I can show you my first page from the class! Take care and thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love this book Michelle! I don't have much unfinished things laying around myself... just one mini-album I can think of that has one unfinished last page... shall finish it soon though! (I'm so neat and concequent - it's scary!)

  2. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for the love...this is gorgeous michelle!!! wow wow wow wow!!! look how long your hair is!!!! and the CD is a genius idea!!! GENIUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. One of my goals for this year is to finish all unfinished scrapprojects from before this year. I've made great progress but still have some work to do.

  4. Excellent! I am impressed you went back and finished it. It gives me hope that I will finish up my undone projects!

  5. what a great project! You have some fantastic photos in there!

  6. I loved it - every page - and I enlarged each one to get a good look. You both look so happy to be together. And what an artistic way to show it. Love, Mom

  7. You are just simply AMAZING!!
    wOW! i alwys feel like I've been on a journey with I see some of your projects!!!


  8. Oh, Lordy, do I have the UFOs in my scrap room (hanging head in shame). Good thing I'm off to Scrap Camp next week, and I've got everything packed to catch up with my 2009 album. That will feel good! Then I can think about all those UFOs...or UFA(lbums)...LOL!
    Miss you!!
