Monday, November 23, 2009

Thinking About 2010...

I've been working on my "Fave Decade" layout for the Fave Things blog, which of course required me pulling out my trunk of memorabilia from my childhood, and I came across one of my earliest drawings. I made this for the cover of the junior high newsletter back in the early '70s. I used to love to draw little people with different outfits on. I thought it would be fun to share...
P.S. Those yellow marks in the corners are what happens when you use regular tape to tape things into your albums. The tape lost it's adhesive quality and fell off years ago, but it left these nice yellow marks. Ha.

So, it's the time of year when I start obsessing over how to organize my journals and scrapbooks for the upcoming year. How will I document my life? Should I reorganize my scrapbooking system? What should my creative goals be??? It drives me crazy and I love it at the same time.

I've been debating a lot about Project 365. I have enjoyed taking my photo every day this year, and it's going to be AWESOME to have my album to look back on. At the same time, I don't know that I could keep that momentum going for another year.

I definitely want to get in on Davinie Fiero's Project 12 this year. This project is where you do one layout that sums up each month. There is no kit, so the designing part is up to you. This creative freedom is more what I need right now I think.

So, I think in terms of documenting life, I am going to continue to take tons of photos, but trade in my Project 365 hat for a Project 12 one. And as far as blogging the photos - I may still do a weekly update - just no layout or book.

Okay, one decision down, 7 billion to go...

Okay, I'm off to finish a few projects. I will be back tomorrow with another update! Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. I love the painting- such a cool thing to have from the past!

  2. holy smokes woman....even "way back when" look how talented u were!!!!! Lol lol lol...the only thing i got to show for my jr. high days is "thumb" people i made with a stamp pad and crayola markers for my doodles!! LOL! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee that drawing...and loving how U only have 7 billion more decisions to make....I think I have that many too!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. freakin'cool drawing Michelle!!!

  4. That drawing is incredible ... love how you kept it through the years!!

  5. Ahhh yes, the little 70's people! I loved them - still do! I think the boy in front looks like Donny Osmond. :)

  6. I am doing Project365 too and truth be told, I'll be glad when it's over. Not that I haven't enjoyed it, but to think of 'something to take a picture of' every single day was getting to me. I'm currently doing the alphabet, just to get me through this month. And December is going to be hectic with traveling and Christmas and my birthday, so that will not be much of a problem. I guess I underestimated the 'oops! Haven't taken a picture today.. quick, what can I do?' and the uploading to Flickr... I'm at least a week behind again.. Oh well.. Just a few more weeks and then that's it.;)
