Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Cool Bird, Fun Music and Stuff...

Hey all! Happy Sunday! I saw the COOLEST bird in the yard today and he was HUGE!!! I didn't have time to snap a picture, but I think it was a Pileated Woodpecker - here's a pic I found on the internet...How COOL is that? I was so excited I went running up stairs yelling "Michael, Michael look out the window!!!" and of course it was gone by the time he got to the window. AARGH. Oh well, it was exciting while it lasted!

I'm just getting started on my project for the evening, but this morning I did my journal page and here's how it turned out...

The new song is up at Scrapping The Music! It's Smile by Uncle Kracker!!! I had a lot of fun using it for inspiration! Here's what I came up with...
When I listen to the chorus of this song it make me think of that dance where you lean back and hold hands and twirl each other around and around; so I tried to put that feeling into the design of the lyrics. I used the "Cotillion" kit from Studio Calico, plus some orange spray ink, and red oil crayon for the heart.

I hope you find "Smile" inspiring too! Come on over and play along! You've got two weeks this time! We are giving people extra time this month because of the busy holiday season.

I will be back tomorrow with another update - thanks for visiting!!!


  1. That bird is AWESOME!!! I woulda have been yelling for Michael too!! LOL!!! LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE the journal page...and YOUR STM!!!!! OMYGOSH!!!! Michelle!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee how U did the swirled journaling!!! WOW WOW WOW!!! U amaze me! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. I love hearing about the wildlife where you live. Your art journal page and the Music layout are both so colorful and beautiful - I notice the car - have you gotten your new one yet? and the journaling on the Music layout is great - love how it swirls around. Have a great week!

  3. ohhh I love the woodpecker photos- so cool!!!

  4. OMG!!! that woodpecker is just stunning!! And soooooo is the squirrel both of which we dont have here were I live! What beautiful creatures!!!

    Oooh Michelle I adore your LO's - sooo love the one for STM!!! WOW on the journaling!! How do you get the circling soooo perfect!!!

    What a joy it is to visit your blog!

  5. OH MY, a woodpecker in your backyard???!!!! AWESOME! I love the swirling text on the STM layout... it represents the overall feeling of the song so well!

  6. Well, your work makes me smile! And WOW a woodpecker. I was going to be truly amazed and impressed if you were able to see it, grab a camera and get a shot that close to one in your backyard, but it is pretty nonetheless. Thanks for the smile.
