Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cute Little Wilbie plus more...

I couldn't resist sharing this with you - How cute is this???!!! That's my little Wilbie taking a nap in his semi-new holiday bed. It's amazing how flexible cats are. I could never roll up in a ball like that!
and speaking of cute cats, I just have to share this youtube video my sister found - oh my WORD it's adorable!!! Check it out here.

I've got a couple of new journal pages to share from A Prompt A Day...

November 30:

and December 1st:

Oh - and I started my journal jar! I got this nice big jar at WalMart for like $4.50 or so, and I printed out a bunch of prompts and stuck them in the jar. My goal is to have that jar chock full by the end of December. So far, so good!

Also, I want to answer a question I got in the comments recently. Kathy K had asked if my thrift store vintage label maker came with tape, and sadly, it didn't. BUT I am hoping that regular dymo tape will fit in there. I haven't tried it yet tho, so we shall see.

Well, that's all folks! I hope you are having a fabulous week so far! I will see you tomorrow with another update! Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Beautiful pages again Michelle... and published after midnight I guess??? You nightowl you! LOVE the photo of Willie... and I'm curious at those promts you made yourself in the jar...

  2. hehehehehehe loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that photo of willie and loving that u-tube video.....and those pages just ROCK ROCK ROCK!!!!! And ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lol lol lol....make sure U check my recent blog post for the personal message I left JUST FOR U!!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. You are so motivated! Good for you. I love the turtle entry. I am a thing finder too, but not just little things. I come home with chairs. Drives my husband insane.

  4. Aww... cute cat! I love when my kitty gets all cozied up like that! :)

    And awesome pages! This style is just SO cool! :D

  5. Beautiful pages! I love all the bright colors!

  6. Cute pic, and adorable video!!! Love your prompts.

  7. oh michelle... love that picture... (and the others of the scrappy kitties!) they do get into the most interesting positions and spaces!! and... love your layouts. your style is so unique and just cool!! :)

  8. These journal pages are amazing!!! Love your idea of the journal jar too!
