Sunday, December 20, 2009

U is for Underneath, and Project 52 November...

One of the many fun things about this time of year, is seeing all your year-long projects start coming to completion! Yeayyyy! Of course, I am behind on most of them, but that's beside the point - LOL. Anyhoo - I'm catching up with my "Year In The Life of An Art Journal" project, and I'm up to the Letter "U."

and speaking of catching up - I finished my Project 52 ATCs for November too...
These are just made with dictionary paper, spray ink and magazine images...
I picked the subject of backyard birds and squirrels because November is the month of Thanksgiving, and I am SO thankful for the beautiful creatures that visit our feeders everyday...
I was going to use my own photos, but they are all taken thru our window, so they're not that clear, and these were too beautiful to resist...

I'm getting SO EXCITED for Project 12 2010 to start! The launch is on December 26th!

Take care and I will be back tomorrow with another update! Thanks for visiting!


  1. These are beautiful! Love the dog one esp!

  2. I so admire you for keeping going with these year-long projects - they are so creative and always display your intuitive sense of color and design. Have a great holiday!

  3. Christmas Vacation is playing in my living room and then I come to your blog...soooooooooooo I have to say...."SQUIRREL!!!!!" LOL LOL LOL!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE these Michelle!!! GORGEOUS!!! And thanks for the feedback earlier... love u! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. i totally wouldn't be able to keep up with the yearly projects! you're such an inspiration!

