Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Art Journal Page...

I spent the whole night reorganizing my Project list for January and February! I think I am set to roll for the next two months - Yeayyy!

Had to squeeze in a little creative time too. Here's today's art journal entry (using the Dec 17th prompt from Kelly's class)...
The gold marker doodles you see on there came from the new pen that Marit sent me - WOW I love it! It works great! It's called a Verona, which I've never heard of over here, but if you can find one where you are I highly recommend it! Thanks again Marit!

I will be back tomorrow with another update - have a terrific Tuesday my friends!


  1. can u come organize me???? lol!! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that page...the horse is adorable! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Hey Michelle! Holy crap that page is so cute. By the way, I thought you'd like to see my new kitten, she's 8 weeks old and SO CUTE! (She's over at my blog.) :) Have a great day!

  3. Love the horse! He (she?) is looking so bold (is that the word?) asking you if you like her too.... gorgeous! And good for you, some organizing! It clears your head (at least, that does it for me when I organize...) Have a great day Michelle!

  4. sounds like you are starting the year off well - I have been making some lists also. Love the page you did - so full of color and emotional energy - that pen sounds really cool. Have a great week!

  5. LOve your Art Journal page!Always so much awesome journaling..have to learn that this year!
