Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cats and Crops...

It's been a quiet, cozy day at the Rydell Household. Johnny found his way into the linen closet for a nice nap (okay, he's a black cat and he's laying on the white towels, but how can I get mad when he looks this cute?)...

Willie has been playing in his favorite spot of late...
Michael is working on his computer, and I've been preparing for tomorrow's crop with my girlfriends. It's going to be a special New Year's Party!
I'm quite proud of how good I've gotten at not overpacking. I'm bringing my Studio Calico Yearbook kit, a box of vintage ephemera, some basic tools, pens, adhesive and ink, and my calendar stamps. I'm planning to work on my first Project 12 layouts (both a sketch page and a calendar page), plus a Scrapping The Music layout. I'm so excited!

I'm off to bed and I will be back tomorrow to show you what I made! Have a fabulous Saturday my friends and thanks for stopping by!


  1. awww, the kitties are so cute!!!! :) my mom's kitties LOVE the linen closet too. :)


  2. Wishing you a lot of fun at the crop. I'm sure you come back with some eye candy to show us!!!

  3. Your cats always catch my eye!!
    So very cute!!

  4. Your furbabies are so cute - love that pic of Johnny, and my cat Hana likes to play in the tub but only in the summer - I think it must feel cool to her feet. Looking forward to seeing your new creations! Have a great weekend!

  5. happy saturday! have a great time at the crop :)

  6. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the kitties are adorable!!!!! have fun at the crop! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  7. I saw that you're one of the hosts over at a Year in the Life of an Art Journal. I'm looking forward to what you have up your sleeves!

  8. Your kitties are too cute, I could not get mad either with the white towels and kitty!! Have fun at the crop!!

  9. sweet furbabes!!! have fun at your crop :-)

  10. Awww, cute kitties! I scrapped a layout with Yearbook too today...forgot how much I loved that kit!

  11. That first photo is HILARIOUS!

  12. your cats are so cute!love the funny pics of them:) my cats love the closet too for a good cat nap(not so happy about that, but you're right...they look so cute that you can't resist them:)
