Friday, January 15, 2010

MMM... Warm Vanilla Sugar...

The new challenge at the Fave Things Blog is to scrap your favorite fragrance or smell. The fragrance I decided to scrap is Warm Vanilla Sugar...
It's a Bath and Body Works fragrance and it's deeeeliciously wonderful! What's really funny is that - of all the smells in the world - another Design Team member chose to scrap the exact same fragrance! HA! Deana, you've got great taste!!! LOL!

Anyhoo, I used the January Studio Calico kit called "Whodunit" for this layout. The only thing not from the kit is the vintage crocheted lace that I wound around the metal button to form a flower. It was so much fun scrapping with these colors - I don't normally do much with yellow and black/brown.

P.S. If you are interested in trying out this fragrance, click here to go to the Bath and Body Works website! (you won't regret it. :0)

The very first Artful Amblings prompt is up today, and it's a fun one!!! I can hardly wait to get started! But now, I must go get ready because tomorrow I am cropping with my girlfriends and I've yet to pack! EEK!

Have a wonderful Saturday my friends and I will check back with ya later!


  1. Love the green and brown here Michelle! I don't know this freagance, but you make it look (smell) gorgeous! I once did a LO about my fave perfume, so I don't know if I will participate this time (or send in the old LO?) Have a happy weekend and fun with the girls!!!

  2. Beautiful layout, Michelle!!
    Great colors and I love the papers you used!!

    Wish you a wonderful weekend!


  3. Isn't it funny how the two of you chose the same fragrance?! :D

    Can I just say that I love it that you're on the team! :)

  4. mmm...that is a good smell! Love what you did with the brocade paper from BG...gorgeous as always! Can't wait to see what you do with the first Artful Amblings prompt :) Have a great weekend!

  5. *sigh* i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee this michelle! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
