Sunday, March 21, 2010

Catching Up...

Happy Sunday everybody! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted - I've been in California helping out with some family health issues that are going on, and celebrating my mom's birthday.

I came home from my trip to find a surprise package waiting for me from my sweet friend Julie. Look what she sent me! How cuuuuuute is this????
It is from a really neat etsy shop called Melbean. I put it up on my scraproom wall immediately! THANK YOU SO MUCH JULIE!!! You really brightened my day, and I will think of you everytime I look at it!!!

I have a couple of layouts to share, but first I want to answer some questions that came in from my last post about my scraproom.

Marit asked what kind of lighting I use in the evening...

My scraproom has mostly recessed lighting that looks like this...
I used to have a real problem with everything looking yellow in the evening, but I switched to Reveal (true daylight type) bulbs, and they work great! Now I can set my camera to the daylight setting and the colors are pretty true to life, even at night.

The other question was from Jeannie, who asked if my cats ever tear anything up in my scraproom...

Willie and Johnny are six years old now, so they have mellowed out quite a bit from their kitten antics. My biggest worry is always that they will swallow some ribbon or something sharp and end up in the emergency room. This has never happened, but I still make sure that any ribbon or pins I have out are in a secure container. I also avoid those cute displays of embellies some people have in their scraprooms, where they put buttons and rhinestones in muffin pans or cute bowls. If I did that I would have this problem...
Willie loves little things that he can bat around, so I just make sure that my embellies are in a closed container.

Here's another problem I deal with...
Both of the boys love to chew on anything plastic - These were some nice crop bags that I had in my bucket on the floor, and I quickly learned I needed to put them up out of reach. LOL.

Jeannie, you specifically asked about paper getting ruined and I have never had that problem. The only thing is Johnny likes to lay on it if I have it spread out on the floor. Also, I keep my kits in boxes and this is what happens...
HA! That box is full of kit contents. He doesn't hurt anything, he just crawls in there and lays. I think it's cute, so I let him until I need something in the box.

Here's one last thing I deal with...
Sometimes they inadvertently steal a sticker or two (notice the "L" on his rump area).

I always go with the motto - better safe than sorry, and try to keep anything that could potentially hurt them out of reach. It's a little extra work keeping it cat proof, but it's also so much fun having them to scrap with!

Let me know if you have any more questions - I will do my best to answer them!

Now, on to the layouts...

The current challenge at the Fave Things blog is to scrap your favorite beverage! I don't buy these very often, but knowing I had to do this layout gave me an excuse to go and get one...
Caribou is Michael and my FAVORITE coffee place, and my FAVORITE drink is the caramel cooler, no whip and extra drizzle! It's fabulous!!!! I used the Studio Calico "Soda Fountain" kit for this one.

The other layout I have to share is for the current challenge at Scrapping The Music. The featured song is "Free Me" by Joss Stone. I thought these lyrics were perfect for this picture of the kids...
For this one I used the Quilting Bee kit from Studio Calico which is one of my faves! The starburst/flower embellie at the top right is made out of wood veneer which I dyed with spray ink, and the bottom part of the title was drawn onto dictionary paper.

So, that's it for today! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments - they mean alot to me!


  1. The gift from Julie is lovely! And Lola has the same attraction to boxes...just look at my blog psot for today. LOL.

    Keeping you and your family in my prayers! Hugs!

  2. awwwwwwwwwwwwww so happy U liked the painting that melly made!!! :) It is soooooooooooooo U! :):):):):):):) I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the lo's......and sadly I have learned recently that THANK GOODNESS my kits come in plastic as lol lol lol....Mr. Dandy must be really MAD at me for something.....cuz he raised his leg and marked his territory on one of my kits this week while I was at lol lol....let's just say I now keep the door CLOSED!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Thanks for all the answers which you enlightened with photo's... it's like getting you to know even better!!! I remember those lightbulbs when I get a room of my own (dream-dream-dream) Johnny with the "L" is soooo cute! And I love your LO's again (no surprise huh?!) I hadn't enough time to play STM and I don't think I have this week either (getting visiters...) but still I'm off to look at the new song! Hope your week will be bright and sunny!
