Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Quoth the Raven...

The Letting it Loose class is winding down. I finished the second-to-last page of my journal, and I'm really liking how it turned out. The lesson was all about using color to create a feeling/mood. Here's what I came up with...
I decided it was a good time to pay tribute to my totem animal, and one of my all-time favorite poems - The Raven - by Edgar Allen Poe. I got the raven image from the web. The rest of it is glimmer mist, acrylic paint, gesso, thickers and sheet music.

I've been meaning to do a mini-album based on "The Raven" in it's entirety, but I haven't gotten to it yet. I love that poem so much! The mystery, the cadence, the lost love and yearning - the whole thing is just a masterpiece if you ask me. The minibook is for another time tho.

Oh, hey, did you hear that Prima is now offering free, live online classes now? It's really cool! I tuned in for some of Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's class today and loved it. You can chat with other audience members and ask the teachers questions live. Check out their video site here. If you can't be there for the live class, they are archiving them too.

Now I will leave you with a picture of Willie with one of his fascinations - the printer. He absolutely loves watching the paper shoot out...

I know I am biased, but seriously - how cute is he???

Okay, now I'm off to finish my last page for my Let it Loose journal. Then it's on to the cover and binding! SO MUCH FUN!

Thanks for stopping by! I will be back tomorrow with another update. Have a fabulous Tuesday!


  1. what a great journal page and cute cat :) thanks for sharing.

  2. I adore your Raven page... the colours are awesome and you managed to catch the feeling of the poem! (yes, I know that) Willie is too cute on that photo!!! So sweet!

  3. I so love this page - and your idea of doing a mini-album on the entire poem! thanks for the tip on the Prima classes!! And Willie - cute!!

  4. Beautiful journal page! My cat Hana also loves to watch the printer - if she hears the printer start to print, she will come running from wherever she is in the house!

  5. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh i am loving that raven page...and hehehehehehehehe....U are lucky he's not batting at the paper as it comes out!!! LOL!!! toooooooooooooooo cute! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. great page. =) love the cat watching teh printer.

  7. Love the raven page. And thanks for the Prima tip!

  8. My cats love it when I print stuff, too!

    Very cute! Reminds me of my Sandor.

  9. I love this. Where did you come across the raven ? I can't find any that look good. You cat is cute. My son loves to watch the printer also.

  10. What a beautiful page, the colours are stunning!
    Your kitteh is too cute! hehe

  11. great page... it's just lovely!!!! {{hugs}} Michelle
