Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Tale Of The New Kit Debacle...

I waited excitedly all day today for UPS to deliver my new kit. It never came. I checked the tracking info and it said it was delivered and given directly to a man at our house. This did not happen. When I called UPS they said it must have been given to a neighbor and I should check with my neighbors and if they did not get it then I could contact Studio Calico and they could contact UPS and then they would start an investigation. I live in a townhouse development so asking my neighbors would be an ordeal. I have a lot of close neighbors and I have no idea which one would have gotten it. I asked them if they could just ask the delivery person where they delivered it and he said no, they can only do that if they start a formal investigation. AARGH. Yell

I know it's only scrap supplies, but still I was disappointed because I really wanted to use my kit at my monthly crop today!

The good news is the story has a happy ending. About 9:15 p.m. a kind stranger delivered the package to our door. They had delivered the package to him on a completely different street! Needless to say I thanked him profusely, and proceeded to lay out my kit to ooh and aah over it...
I had wanted a second add-on but didn't have the money for it. I did, however, have a credit (from the garage sale) over at my LSS; so I went over there and put together my own add-on! Totally fun! So, here's a pic of how my new kit looks with my custom add-on incorporated into it...

I know at first glance it doesn't look much different, but if you look closely, there are six new pieces of patterned paper, four new sets of embellies, and a piece of cherry veneer. I also added some more cardstock in bright colors and a couple different kinds of ribbon - both from my own stash.

So, now I am off to get ready for my crop! I am so excited! I am going to work on my Project 12 sketch layout, and also make some cards!

I wish you a super-duper Saturday, filled with inspiration and creativity! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I just can't wait to see your creations! this is just such a great kit!!! You are going to have so much fun!!! I would boo-hoo UPS - but our household income comes form UPS - but to redeem my hubby he is a computer tech - not a delivery guy. LOL!!! Have FUN!!!!!!!

  2. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for packages finding their home!!!!! Have fun at your crop! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. What a story, Michelle!!!! So happy for you that you finally got your kit!!
    Wishing you a scrappy weekend!!


  4. Teehee... this was fun Michelle... looking at both photo's and "spot the differences"!!! I live in a small street and because we are always at home (homeoffice) the mailman knows that and delivers packages here for "not at home neighbours" all the time, but then he always put a note in the neighbours mailbox that their package is delivered at our home, so they know where to go to get it. Works great! I hope your crop was fun!!! Can't wait to see what you did.

  5. Oh my gosh how nice of that guy to bring the package over! There are still nice people in the world! Love the kit! Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  6. Our mailman has to put a form in the mailbox if he gives a package to a neighbour but just like in your case he often gives them to people we don't know. Glad you got a happy ending, that kit looks great!
