Wednesday, April 14, 2010

40 Dogs At Scrapping The Music...

The new challenge for this week at Scrapping The Music is the song "40 Dogs" by Bob Schneider! If you haven't heard this song you've gotta take a listen!!!! It's such a fun song and one I have been singing for weeks now - it just sticks in your head, you know? Bob Schneider is one of my favorite songwriters; and one of the things I love about his songs is that he packs a lot of words into them! It's truly amazing! I did my layout using one of my favorite lines of the song...

I don't know if you can tell or not, but I actually used a black and white photo, and made just Michael in color. I'm not a digi scrapper, so what I did was print the same photo a second time in color, and then cut Michael out and pasted him on top of his black and white self. The lyric just describes him perfectly I think - he's such a colorful character and he lights up my world! The title and the dots on the photo are all done with Poster Paint Sharpies - I love those things!

I hope you will hop on over to Scrapping The Music and check out our 40 Dogs challenge! We would love to have you play along with us!

See you all tomorrow with another update! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a wonderful and inspiring day!


  1. U seriously are the QUEEN of titles!!! WOW WOW WOW!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this...and loving the effects U did on Michael's photo! :):):):) VERY COOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. This is fab Michelle. It reminds me of that bouncy ball advert that was on tv a few years ago that used the Jose Gonzalas song. Just beautiful!

  3. i love your photo magic work around - excellent! very fun song and LO! love it!!

  4. This is so filled with joy and love - your title is fantastic and I always love your lettering style and your use of color. So cool!
