Monday, April 5, 2010

Keeping Track of Projects...

Hi everyone! I got a question in the comments that I'd like to answer - Candy asked:

"Can you talk a little bit about how you regularly schedule time to be creative? You mentioned on this blog how you were changing your routine to do a particular project."

Thanks for the question Candy, I'd love to talk about that! There are two pieces that I'd like to address: The first is how I schedule my time, and the second is how I keep track of what to do with that time.

Back in January of, I think it was 2008, I participated in a challenge at Big Picture Scrapbooking called "A Layout A Day." Did any of you do that one? It went for one month and the idea was to make something - anything - every single day, and post it to their online gallery. I thought it would be a huge challenge, but I was up for it so I signed up. Not only did I finish the challenge, I learned that creating something every day makes me REALLY HAPPY!!! - so I've been doing it ever since!!!

I do have a full-time day job, but in the evenings, almost every day - I make the time to scrap or art journal.

In order to not spend my whole evening trying to decide what to create, I keep a project list. This is where I keep track of design team assignments, online class assignments and just-for-fun projects that I want to do. Some people have said they would feel totally trapped by a list like mine, but for me it's like planning a party for every nite! Here's an example of a page from my list (click to see the details)...
I color code the projects by type (i.e. design team, class, etc.), and I put the due date next to the project as a reminder. Am I crazy obsessive? Perhaps - LOL, but for me it's FUN FUN FUN!

I hope that helps - Let me know if you have any other questions. :0)

P.S. If you are interested in the "Layout-A-Day" idea, I noticed that Lain is hosting it again in May from her blog. Click here to check it out.

Sometimes, I just don't feel like doing anything on my list, so I don't - HA! I love to break my own rules! Anyways, that's what happened on Saturday, so I played along with the Studio Calico Sunday Sketch instead. Here's how it turned out...
I used my new Noel Mignon kit, plus a couple of things from my stash. The yellow pom pom, which I cut in half so I could glue it to the page, and the turquoise flower, which is actually an old earring.

Do any of you have systems you've created for organizing your creative projects? I'd love to hear about them!

I'm off to watch the new Prima Class by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and scrap along with it! Check it out here - you can make three layouts in two hours, and it's free!!! Yeayyy! (I'm ignoring my list again - grin)

See you tomorrow and thanks for visiting!


  1. What a great system ... I'm envious of the time you make to create! :)

  2. I'm with you on the lists, i have a spread sheet on my laptop where i have challenges and DT work all typed up with due dates, i find it makes life so much easier and i dont get stressed i just work through the list or like you i just dont look at it lol. im a huge list person for everyday life though, i write lists for everything lol

    i did a load a day for a kit club i was part of and won 2 months in a row , i tend to scrap on a daily basis as its my time even if only for 30 minutes i still get in that room
    love your layout and glad you enjoying the kit

  3. i'm glad that you make time for creating stuff! it's great therapy.

    i use a system too, but it's totally diff! :) hehe. i use google calendar for all the DT assignments... without, i think i'd go crazy... i'm sure you'd be the same if you lost your list! ;)

    have a great week, my friend.


  4. I loveeeeeeeeeeeee how U organize!!! very cool!! and loving that U love her kit????? :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) Sad but true...I have a weird all ready know that though, right?? LOL!!!! I have all my to-do projects in my far, {knock on wood} it has worked for me!! LOL!! I have thought and re-thought about making a clipboard of all my dt's, challenges, etc to do.....but as much as I LOVE SCRAPPIN' really HATE paperwork...hate it...sooooooooooooooo in my head works for me! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. I don't have a scraproom so sometimes I can't create for "just an hour" or so - I have to bring all the stuff to the dining table and clean it up when we have diner - I only work with a big list on my whiteboard (in the computer office) to schedule my online classes and keep track of the assignments... (I did the same when I was on a DT, use the whiteboard)
    Your layout is so cute... he sure is the best CATDAD!!!

  6. Wow, what a reply!!! I am blown out of the warm Hawaiian water here. You have proven what I always say to people who tell me they don't have time to read or craft: "You could if you really wanted to.".

    Your distinctive style of colors and handwriting are awesome. Love how that carries over to your calendar.
    You are inspiring. I've been practicing my penmanship daily. I love lists and post its.
    Mahalo nui loa for taking such care and time to answer.

  7. I figured you must have a system to juggle all of the many things you do. I make a list of what I want to get done for a week, with any "requirements" and stick it up on the wall right in front of my workspace. Now to get into that daily habit - part of what stops me is the clutter I create when I scrap. Need to be better about clearing that up so it doesn't become an emotional and physical barrier the next day.

  8. Thanks for sharing your system - I have file folders on my desk for each DT and I keep all pertinent info in them but then I also mark due dates etc on a calendar the hangs above my desk - sort of a juggling act. and every Sunday I make a to do list for that week. But then there are times when you just have to do something else. LOL! Have a great week!

  9. I love your list... I need to do this... I have so many I need to do... thanks for sharing this... it's encouraged me... love the lo... it's wonderful!!!
    {{hugs}} Michelle
