Thursday, April 1, 2010

Project 12 Part Two for February...

I finally finished my February calendar page for Project 12, and I gotta say, these little buggers are time-consuming, but SO MUCH FUN to put together!!! I had the best time doing this one!!! Here's how it turned out...
I used the Studio Calico "Quilting Bee" kit, to coordinate with the February Sketch layout that I finished earlier in the month (shown below). These pages feel like putting together a puzzle, and this kit's Sass Lass paper really lent itself well to making the little squares.

I'm so inspired, I think I will put aside tonight's regularly scheduled project, and work on my March Project 12 layouts - yeayyyyy!!! This is going to be FUN!!!

Oh, and also, I was SO EXCITED to see that Davinie featured my February sketch layout on her Project 12 blogpost today! Click here to see it, plus some wonderful work from other Project 12 participants!!!

We announced our new design team member at Scrapping The Music today! We are so excited to have her joining our team! Click here to find out who it is!

That's all the news for today! Thanks so much for visiting and for your comments! I really appreciate them! Have a fabulous Friday!


  1. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY on being featured!! left ya some love over there!!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee your lo's!!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Congrats on being featured Michelle! I love your project 12 pages!!! THis one is perfect again.. so much to see!!! I immediately recognized a "let it loose page" at the top right! Hope you have a happy easter weekend my friend!

  3. Oh, wow! Your February calendar is just stunning!

  4. Aloha Michelle, I've been so inspired following your blog. Your work has such a definite style! Can you talk a little bit about how you regularly schedule time to be creative? You mentioned on this blog how you were changing your routine to do a particular project. Mahalo, Candy
