Friday, May 14, 2010

Questions Anyone???

I love to blog daily. Usually, when I blog I have something to share. A project or a layout. Lately, I've been busily trying to catch up on design team assignments, so even tho I'm making stuff, I can't share it yet - aargh! I'm not good at waiting. LOL.

Anyways, that brings me to my dilemma. Wanting to blog, and not having a layout to share. So, I'm wondering - do any of you have questions you would like me to answer, or ideas for creative topics you would like to see addressed here? I would love to hear your ideas!

Oh, and just a reminder that the new challenge goes up later today at the Fave Things blog! It's a fun one - come on over and check it out!


  1. I blog twice a week (sometimes more) and I ALWAYS want to show "something"... if I have nothing to share, I think of a photo with a story behind it, something like that... or a "sneak" of what I'm working on...

    I don't have a specific question but I do want to say I dreamt of you last night! (I'll share the complete story in an e-mail... it's funny!)

  2. I, like you, want to blog every day.. but when I don't have any scrap lo's to share... I think I need to just share photos I'll scrap later, so at least I have something... I don't know???

    No question either... just ramblings... have a fab Friday...
    {{hugs}} Michelle

  3. LOL!! I can sooooooooooooooooo relate to this!! LOL!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):) But lately....I feel like I am blogging somewhere everyday!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. I am always amazed when scrappers have their own distinctive style and you have it in excess!!! I think it is your use of lettering and "go for it" attitude with your layouts and journal work. Do you practice? Or do you just start and see how it comes out? Do you see it before you start and make it come true? Or do you surprise yourself along with the rest of us?
    I love your blog and check it every day. Plus, my big bro lives in Minneapolis so I like to see if you guys are freezing!!! Aloha
