Friday, June 11, 2010

Kit Opening Ritual...

The beloved Studio Calico box arrived at my door this week and I thought I would share the excitement of our kit opening ritual with you! It's always the same:

I put the box on the floor and announce the arrival to the cats. Willie comes first and has to sniff the box...

Then, Willie likes to sniff each item for approval, as I take them out of the bag. (It's hard to get a good picture of this because he keeps moving)...

Johnny is more of a passive participant. Usually he likes to lay on the packing paper but this time he decided to be different and lay next to it - lol. Everything gets laid out on the floor for viewing...

and then we set it all up real nice and take a picture. This is the kit plus add-ons. Doesn't it look positively yummy???!!!...

this time I also ordered the Studio Calico exclusive Documentary Collection! I absolutely love it! My fave paper is the red one with the alphabet! It's sooooo COOL! Then, each kit goes into one of my buckets, so it is easy to see and use!

I will leave you with my art journal page from June 9 and 10...

Have a fantastic Friday my friends! Thanks for visiting and see you soon!


  1. That is so cute!! I love that the cats open the boxes with you:) ANd yeah, those SC kits look yummy!! I've never gotten one and want to sooo bad! Maybe one day...

  2. fun stuff. It really is a wonderful thing to open up that box isn't it!

  3. Our furbabies are so fun!
    What a great ritual and I don't blame Willie for wanting to get right in there - that kit rocks!

  4. Soooooooooooooooooo cute how they inspect your goodies!! LOVE IT!! And loving that journal page!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that blue! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. I love the "story of opening the box!" It made me smile to see the two different characters of the cats! The journal page is awesome again!!! LOVE that "unique creature"!!!

  6. Very cute having the cats there giving their approval of the kit......great kit

  7. That is such a funny story :)
    Please send that gorgeous kit to the Netherlands...

  8. How fun to see your ritual - glad to see your fur babies helping out! Love your art journals.

  9. I just love those CS boxes - so much fun stuff!!!
    I got the CS Anthology collection last month and I LOVE it!!

    Have fun crating! :D

  10. Oh, I love it! This is very similar to Lola's grocery ritual! :)
