Monday, June 28, 2010

The Most Magical Time of the Day...

Do you ever feel like art projects have a mind of their own? I do. Take for example this layout. It's the one I mentioned yesterday, that I was working on for "The Street Where You Live." It was supposed to be about the night sky in my neighborhood, but it turned into a "Fave Time of Day" layout; which is actually great, because I never got to do my "Fave Time Of Day" layout when it was up as a topic at the Fave Things Blog. So, here's how it turned out...
I have been staying up til dawn lately (have I mentioned that?) and absolutely LOVING it! I absolutely get giddy when I see the sun coming up - it's like I made it to the magic hour or something! I open the curtains so the cats can enjoy the sunrise, and head to bed, satisfied with a night well spent. I can't do it all the time of course, since I do have a day job; but when my schedule allows, you can bet I will be in my studio til all hours, happily creating the night away.

Anyhoo, I used a bunch of my stash for this layout - no kits involved. The owl on the tree was handcut from a piece of patterned paper, and the thickers are shaded with orange and pink sharpies.

Tomorrow is the next "Live With Prima" class with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and it looks like a good one! Julie will be making a super cool container to hold mini-books! I've taken Julie's classes before and they are always really good. The video is live so you can ask questions as you go along, and best of all - it's free! Click here to find out more about it, or to tune in tomorrow at 1:00 pm Central Time.

Thanks so much for stopping by my friends, and I wish you a magical Monday!


  1. I am a night owl too, but my daily schedule does not allow me to stay up ever. Sunday through Friday, there is some reason to get out of the house by 7. Saturday's would be nice, but during the school year there is usually some dance/sports related reason to get up and out of the house, too. I look forward to that day (14 years from now) when I can have my own schedule.

    Pretty page. Love the tree!

  2. I am WOWED WOWED WOWED by this PAGE!!! AMAZING Michelle!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that photo and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that tree!!! JUST GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. That is gorgeous!!! I love it so much:) And what a great time of day..glad you got to make a page for your fave time!!! Love, Jess

  4. love that tree!! but i so can't hack staying up all night, LOL. =)

  5. spooky cool! I love early, early morning too but I'm waking up for it rather than staying up for it!

  6. I soooo love it that you create at night... I wish I could!!! I do see the sun rise sometimes (and hear the blackbirds start singing) but if I do, it's because I'm awake early... Your layout is truly magical!!!

  7. you stayed up all night? wow.. i can't do that!! i'm old apparently! LOL.

  8. Great topic for a page! I'm totally a morning person. :)

  9. Hi michelle!

    would love to see some of your work if you have time on one of my challenge blogs :)
    ARtastic =
    FS2S =
    Everyone would love to see some of your work as I would!
