Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Playing Along With The Sunday Sketch...

Just a quick layout for you tonight - I decided to play along with the Sunday Sketch over at Studio Calico, which is based on a layout by Laura Kurz. Laura has a beautiful clean and linear style which is so different than mine, that I couldn't resist giving it a whirl. It's fun to get out of your comfort zone once in awhile! Click here to see the post with the sketch we had to work with. And here's what I came up with...

This is probably a familiar sight to you if you have cats. They just love to get in boxes. It always cracks me up and I have to take a picture. I used this box to bring my scrapping supplies to my crop, and of course the minute I unloaded it when I got home - guess who popped right in and made himself at home. LOL. It never gets old!

Anyhoo, I used the Studio Calico "Partly Sunny" kit. The only thing not from the kit is the word "cat". Those alphas are some old Sassafras Lass that I had in my stash. I cut the cream cardstock kinda caddy-wampus on the edges to give it a more handmade look.

So that's it for tonight - I wish you a fantastic Tuesday my friends! Thanks so much for visiting!!!


  1. OMYGOSH!!!! Soooooooooooo stinkin' adorable Michelle!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee that photo and those little hearts! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. It is not a "Michelle layout" but I like it a lot!!! The way you cut the cardstock, the lovely photo and those bright coloured alphas... YEP. I love it!

  3. I LOVE THIS!! Love the white space, the photo and always love your style, and you made it so YOU even with the clean style:):)

  4. Awwwww! Love this so much! :)
