Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Q & A Time...

Just a note that Julie has added another sponsor over at the Fave Things Blog, so that brings the prize count up to 28!!! Plus she is offering another prize herself - so that makes 29!!! There's still plenty of time to play along with us! Click here to go to the Fave Things Blogiversary party!

I've gotten a few questions lately and I thought today would be a good day for answering, so here we go!

Chris asked the following about mists/spray inks:
"One problem I have is that the sprayers clog - do you have that problem also or do you have a solution - I know there is a proper way to shake the bottle and I always do that way but......"

I have the same problem, but ONLY with Glimmer Mists. Don't know what it is - maybe it's whatever they put in it to make it glimmer? Anyhoo, it's not really a solution, but when my glimmer mists clog, I end up taking off the cover and pouring some onto a paper towel and wiping it onto the surface I'm trying to cover. That doesn't help for a spray effect tho. If anyone knows of a better solution I'd love to hear it!

Alison asked the following about my art journaling pages:
I was wondering for the background colours on your pages do you use paint or inks?

More often than not I use acrylic paint in a couple of different colors. I like to paint up a bunch of pages in advance, and then add bits and pieces to them as I go. Here's an example of a background page made with acrylic paint. As you can see I just slop it on. The more messy, the more fun...

That being said it's fun to experiment too. Other things that make fun backgrounds are: newspaper or dictionary paper, mist/spray ink, watercolors (especially great when there's something underneath that you want to show through).

In a post awhile ago Candy asked:
"I am always amazed when scrappers have their own distinctive style and you have it in excess!!! I think it is your use of lettering and "go for it" attitude with your layouts and journal work. Do you practice? Or do you just start and see how it comes out? Do you see it before you start and make it come true? Or do you surprise yourself along with the rest of us?"

First - thanks so much for the compliment Candy! You made my day! I have to say I rarely practice or sketch a layout in advance just cuz I'm not patient enough. I'm more of a "dive in and see what happens" type of person. Usually I start with a general vision of what I want from the layout - which almost always has to do with expressing an emotion. (I'm all about the feelings - LOL.) That leads to what colors I want to use and what size and style of lettering. Then I pick a kit or assortment of general stash supplies and start playing! I find I have the least amount of trouble and like my layouts the most when I don't overthink things and just play.

I hope my answers are helpful. Please let me know if you have any more questions cuz they are fun!

I will leave you with another journal page...
The little "41" was the number on my name badge at a crop, and the pocket is just a piece of fabric I got in a swap taped on with happy tape. I still don't know what will go in the pocket! Hmmm...

I will be back tomorrow with another post - thanks SO much for visiting and for your comments! I really appreciate them! Have a great Wednesday my friends!


  1. Thanks for answering my question. I really do love your style and your dive in attitude. Will give this ago and see how i get along. I ahve done pages using pages from an old story books and then inking over top which give a nice affect, but i like your backgrounds of solid colours mixed together. I have a few paints so this will be good way to use them, thanks again

  2. interesting questions and answers! i've another question about your painted backgrounds - what type of paper are you using? and are you prepping the surface??

  3. Loveeeeeeeeee the Q&A Michelle!! And loving that journal page!! The blue is BEAUTIFUL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)):):):):):):)

  4. it's soooo inspiring to see your art journal pages!!! Mine is laying in the window sill right now, waiting for me and seeing yours... what am I waiting for? Go get it and play!!! Haaa, thanks for the boost Michelle!

  5. Mahalo for answering my questions. Love feeling connected to people I admire from afar. Also enjoyed how you do your lettering, that to me is what is so intriguing about your art. You really live "out loud" and that shows so much confidence. I am jealous and inspired!!! Aloha.

  6. Michelle, I have used a pin to poke out the clog on a GM spray head. Tried running warm water through it but that didn't was REALLY clogged! The pin did the trick. HTH!
