Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's Time for my BIG NEWS!!! And a GIVEAWAY to Celebrate!!!

I've been just bursting to share my news with you for awhile now and today is finally the day!!!

I'm pleased and proud to announce that I am co-teaching a brand new art journaling workshop with Marit Barentsen at Marit's Paper World! It's all about expressing your emotions through art journaling, and it's called:


Here's the info about the class:

Mixed Emotions Art Journaling Workshop
October 22 - November 30, 2010
(12 lessons over 6 weeks; posted on Tuesdays and Fridays)

Click here to register!

You will create a minimum of 10 art journal pages together with a matching folder to store your work.

Teachers: Marit Barentsen & Michelle LaPoint Rydell

Art journaling focuses on putting your personal thoughts and emotions on paper and you don’t always have to use words to do that! Even if you're not a writer you can create meaningful art journal pages because an emotion can be expressed through a photograph, a color, a material or a particular technique. In this workshop we will explore one specific emotion each lesson, and take that emotion as the basis to create a personal art journal page. What does each specific emotion mean to you? You are encouraged to explore your inner world and your perception of your emotions and turn them into art journal pages. Each lesson also explains a different technique, step-by-step, through photos or an instructional video. The techniques are consistent with the emotion.

Techniques include gel medium photo transfer, paper weaving, writing meaningful journaling, using paint on the page etc. Inspiration videos stuffed with art, layouts, quotes and music will help to get the ideas flowing and set the creative process in motion. The lessons also contain printable collage sheets with photos, quotes and images for you to use in your work. You are challenged to explore your inner self and take a step further in your creativity. This is your opportunity to learn new approaches to self-expression. Do you dare to explore your emotions?

“Mixed Emotions” includes:
  • 12 lessons with assignments in pdf format. Each lesson will focus on a specific emotion and an art technique that goes with it. Techniques will be clearly shown through photos or demonstrated on video. Both beginners and advanced art journalers will find pleasure in working with the lessons.

  • Access to inspirational videos to inspire you and help your creative juices flow.

  • Extra printable collage sheets with photos, illustrations and quotes to use in your work.

  • Access to a private group discussion forum where you may share, ask questions and interact with the teacher and other class participants.(Access will be activated a few days before the workshop starts or within 24 hours of payment.)

  • Access to group albums for posting your completed assignments and seeing what others have done. (Access will be activated a few days before the workshop starts or within 24 hours of payment.)

Marit and I have been working hard on our workshop, and I am so EXCITED to share it with all of you!


If you would like to attend Mixed Emotions for free, leave a comment on this post, and I will draw a random name on Friday!

In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions about the class!!!

Thanks so much for visiting and for your comments - I really appreciate them!


  1. I have never made an Art Journal before, & would so love to learn from you & Marit. Thanks for the opportunity to win a place.

  2. I have so been wanting to take one of Marit's art journal classes. So excited about your news. Would love to win a chance for the class! Hugs,Amy

  3. I'm so proud and exited that you will be my "partner in crime" in this!!! It will be awesome! (In fact, it already is!!!) Love you, my fellow teacher!!!

  4. what a fabulous collaboration! loads of luck to your new venture michelle!

  5. So excited for you... I know it will be awesome.... would love to win... thanks for the chance!!!
    {{hugs}} Michlle

  6. Congratulations! Sounds like a great class. Thanks for the chance to win a spot!

  7. Congrats on the new class. I heard from Marit and am very excited for the both of you. Sounds like a great class.

  8. congratulations!!!! very very exciting!!! sounds like a great class! just the thing for that time of year when it's getting colder and dreary! something extra creative and fun to brighten up the days.

  9. oooooh yay! what a great class! thanks for the chance to win a spot!
    hope all is well! xo

  10. What a great opportunity! I'm so excited for you!

  11. I've never attempted an art journal before.. Would be awesome to learn how to do one! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  12. Woooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooo! Marit and Michelle in the house!! What could be better??!!??! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  13. That is such amazing news! Congrats! I would love to learn about art journaling!

  14. wowowwowowow! how cool is that?! two of my fav artists teaching a class, swoon!

  15. Congratulations!!! i would love to give your class a go!!!

  16. Congratulations! Would love to win this class just to try out art journaling!

  17. Marit told me she had some exciting news, you wrote on your blog you had some news, so I put two and two together and was hoping this might be the outcome!!!! You and Marit together, wow, what an awesome combination. Oh, do I still have to add I would love to win a free ticket to your class??????????? I guess you figured that out already!!!

    xxx Peggy

  18. Congrats on the collaboration - it should be a super class and I would love to win a place in it. Good luck and thanks so much!

  19. Just read the BIG news on Marit's blog but I also want to congratulate you too with this upcoming workshop!! I just adore both of your work so the two of you gonna be a great couple teaching us the most fabulous techniques...

  20. Congrats to you both! you will make a great team!

  21. congratulations!! I've no doubt this will be an awesome class.

  22. This is so cool! Good for you! :-)

  23. wow this sounds so fab, it would be great to have a space in your class!!!

  24. COngratulations and all the best !! Would love to learn art journaling from you :)

  25. Congratulations! I'm sure this class will be a blast! Art Journal Love!

  26. Oh, thank you very much for givung us the chance to win a place in the workshop!
    Keeping my fingers crossed now!

  27. so cool!! I think it will be totally inspiring:)

  28. Have been admiring your work for a long time. Would love to take your class. Aloha

  29. It sounds amazing! I would love to win - thanks for the opportunity!

  30. I have recently become addicted to Art Journaling and have already taken several classes. Each one is a joy and I have learned so much. Would love to participate in yours as well.

  31. Oh wow Michelle, that is so cool!!
    Congrats on teaching and on your class!!
    I will definitely join the two of you!!Sounds so exciting!!

  32. OH Yesss Please pick my name or my number or wathever...just want to follow your course!

    Thank you for the chance!!

  33. Woot!!! That's awesome Michelle, with the two of you this is going to be one amazing class!!! I love your journaling and how bright and fun it always is, it makes me smile!!!

  34. Have taken classes before and LOVE to create art journal pages. Looks so exciting! Thanks for offering this class.

  35. I have been reading about art journals a LOT lately and would really like to get in to them just done have that little extra "push" to get me headed in the right direction... this would do the trick I think! Thanks for the chance!

  36. how cool, I love both your styles! I hope you guys have a blast teaching this!

  37. Your class sounds like a good one! Thank you for the chance to win a spot!

  38. I love your art journals I am so glad you are teaching a class. It's so hard to find one locally.
    Good luck to everyone

  39. I am always looking for ways to augment my journaling, the elles studio journaling spotlight really helped me and this sounds like it is along the same lines.

  40. Haven't tried art journaling yet--just some mixed media stuff. And I love learning new things--looks like a great class!

  41. YOu totally rock that is going to be so exciting.

  42. That is good news! And a wonderful give-a-way!
