Friday, August 13, 2010

There's Still Room in Let It Loose...

Hey everyone! My friend Marit told me that there is still room in her upcoming "Let It Loose" art journaling workshop, and I have to tell you - if you haven't taken this course and you have ANY interest in art journaling at all - whether you are an avid journaler or never tried it before - this is the class to take!

I took "Let it Loose" back in February, and had so much fun! The lessons were amazing and the pace was such that I could keep up, which means I actually finished my book!!!!! I also loved that we made our own art journal from scratch in the class. Here's my finished "Let it Loose" journal in it's entirety...

I just loved how each technique was so different, and also how the lessons gave you enough instruction to understand the technique easily, but were open-ended enough to allow your own style to come through. Each person's finished book was so uniquely their own.

Anyhoo, if you are interested in signing up - click here for more info!

I've got tons of projects to share, so I will be back soon with more photos. Thanks so much for visiting!


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I soooooooooooooooo wish I could take one of her classes...but extra time right now :(....I am hoping sometime....someday! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Oooh Michelle.... how sweet of you to promote Marit's workshop on your blog!!!!
    And all you say is so true: we did have a great time and I really treasure my finished album!!
    So people.... don't hesitate.... if you do have the time.... JOIN IN!!!

  3. Aaahhh - THANKS MICHELLE, for this lovely shout out! You are a sweetie!!! Yes, there's still room for students and I'm looking forward to teach this workshop again. It really WAS a lot of fun in February wasn't it?!!

  4. Your book is gorgeous and I love that each page is different!!! I need to make a page for my journal!!!
