Sunday, September 12, 2010

Beautiful Neighbors...

Look who we saw on our walk today! Aren't they beautiful? It was so amazing to see them there on our neighborhood trail...
Right around dusk is when they come out to feed, so I guess we timed our walk just right! They seriously made my day!

Journal pages for September 9...

I stuck a Maxfield Parrish illustration that I cut from a book on the back of the journaling card (which is actually packaging from some prima embellishments)...

In the comments from an earlier post, Alison asked if I save my scraps to use in another art journal page, and the answer is yes! I have a hard time throwing any scrap of pretty paper away. I keep these two carts under my desk. The one on the right is full of rubber and acrylic stamps. The one on the left is full of papers and other bits that I plan to use in my journals...

There really isn't much rhyme or reason to which drawer stores what - they all look like this...

It would be nice to have a more organized system, but I've tried that and it always ends up all mixed up again - lol.

I hope that answers your question Alison!

Have a wonderful Sunday my friends and thanks for visiting!


  1. Thank you for answering that question for me.....i find it hard to throw bits away as well but i have this container full of bits that just keeps on growing. Mine are split into colour folders which i found the best way to sort them. But im always looking for other or better ways to sort my scrapbooking stuff

  2. I save my scraps in a similar way.. I don't have nice drawers like you, but I use the plastic cover/bags (when I buy 12x12 paper in the scrapstore, they put it in such a bag here - somewhat bigger then 12 x 12) I put scraps in and store all the bags. It's as chaotic as a drawer I guess but I love seeing all those colours and pieces mix!!!

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh LOVING those dears!!!!! And LOVING how you store your scraps!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
