Friday, September 24, 2010

Scrapfest Day Two...

We continued the fun on day two of Scrapfest at the Mall of America!

Here's a picture of the main rotunda area. On the left you can see a shopping area with tons of goodies to buy. On the right is one of the larger workshop areas.

Here's a picture of us at the start of day two...

This right here is a picture of the world's largest scrapbook page! Archiver's always has one of these, and you can actually get your picture taken in it! I've done this every year since 2006 and it's a lot of fun to collect them...

Here's how ours turned out...

I had three more classes on Saturday, the first one being the Prima Floral Art and Stitched Card Class. Here's a pic of the layout we made (I'm not quite done) and the extra supplies I got to take home! Such beautiful stuff. I especially loved the black sparkly edge on the background paper...

After that was the October Afternoon Thrifty Nifty Flashcard Album. This was a super fun class and we got to meet the owners of October Afternoon who were so nice! I didn't get very far on my album - you can see it in the upper right corner of the photo. But look at all the cool stuff we got to take home and finish it! Yeayyyy!!!

My last class of the day was Creative Imaginations' "This Brings Me Joy" Mini Album. I just love this little album. It's made with the Foofala line, which is just adorable! Again, I didn't finish, but also got a lot of cute stuff to take home...

After the classes were over we met back at the hotel room for an evening of cropping! Lynn and I went together to buy a HUGE grab bag of 100 Basic Grey Papers from miscellaneous lines. We had so much fun laying them all out and taking turns picking a couple of sheets each...

Here's my pile after we were all done dividing them up. Isn't it colorful?!!! I just wanted to keep looking at it - ha!

Then we had a super fun game of round robin. We each started a layout using the same picture of the four of us (from earlier that day). Then every 15 minutes we moved the layout to the next person. In the end we had each worked on everyone's layout! It made for a really fun souvenir! Here's how mine turned out. I had everyone sign their name...

Then we laid them all down together and took a picture. Isn't it fun how we each started with the same photo and ended up with four very different layouts? I love that...

By the end of our round robin game, it was time for bed. We had to rest up for day three!!!

Thanks for visiting everyone! I will be back next time with our final day - day three of Scrapfest!


  1. Sooooooooooooooooooooo FUN!!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee the RR lo's you all did!!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. all I can say is WOW! what a weekend! I have never been to anything like that and I loved seeing your photos - what great stuff and classes! thanks for sharing.

  3. oooh, I love all the layouts from the RR! how fun!!! you're so lucky to have THREE friends to go to Scrapfest and to crop with. I don't have anyone locally. I'm curious, how do you decide what to take with you to a crop and not take your entire studio? I stopped going to crops b/c I always need some important thing I left at home!

  4. Oh man it sure looks like you had a fabulous time! I'll have to coordinate a trip to Scrapfest one of these times. My sweety friend Kari (who lives in Plymouth) and Hope were there this year and said they had fun!

    Your projects turned out adorable!

  5. I'm totally jealous! It all looks so awesome!

  6. Looks so fun!!! makes me miss SISiversary! :(
