Sunday, October 24, 2010

Highlights of Honeymoon Four - Part One: Denver...

I decided that the best way to share the highlights of Honeymoon Four with you is to do it in parts! There were three main parts to our trip - Denver, Rocky Mountain National Park, and Colorado Springs. The first part of the trip we spent in Denver...

I absolutely love how when you take Frontier Airlines, your flight is always "hosted" by an animal, whose picture is pasted on the tail of the plane. Our flight from Minneapolis to Denver was hosted by Pete the Pelican...

These beautiful "paper" airplanes (I think they were actually metal) greeted us as we arrived at the Denver Airport! There must have been about 20 of them leading up the escalator into the main foyer...

We stayed at a beautiful old hotel in downtown Denver called The Brown Palace. It's been open since 1892, and everything about this place says old world elegance (click on the pictures to see more detail)...

even the toiletries were so beautiful I just had to take a picture...

For dinner, we found an AWESOME vegetarian restaurant called The Watercourse. Talk about yummy!!!!! We dined on Seitan Buffalo Wings, Mashed potatoes and tempeh with gravy, and for desert, the most spectacular "Ho Ho Chocolate Cupcake" you ever tasted!!!

The next day, we started out for Estes Park; but first, a stop in the downtown Denver historic shopping district, for a trip to Rockmount Ranch Wear! This is some urban art painted on a building across the street from Rockmount...

Rockmount Ranch Wear is known as the birthplace of American Western Wear, and I had been looking forward to seeing the place, and hopefully nabbing an authentic Rockmount Shirt! I had been reading about how they came about in 1946, and seen photos of lots of different famous musicians who wear Rockmount shirts, so this was quite the big deal for me!

It was so much fun looking through all the shirts! I must have tried about 10 different ones on - all different colors and some with fabulous embroidery! In the end, I chose this pink plaid one because I loved the color, how soft it was, the pearl snaps, how it fit, and that I would be able to wear it anywhere. Can you tell I'm excited about my new shirt?...

Tomorrow, I will share the story of our stay in Estes Park - the photos of the Rocky Mountains, the elk, and the famous hotel that inspired Stephen King to write "The Shining..."

See you then!


  1. Looks like a wonderful trip - it's so cool to see these photos of Dener - I lived there for 18 years. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your trip!

  2. Both my beloved and I love the photo of you with your new shirt... and how Michael is seen in the mirror. So cute, how you pose there and how he takes your picture!!! I can't wait to see the rest of the photos!

  3. Nice shirt. Looks like a nice time. Can't wait to see the rest of your trip.

  4. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun fun fun!! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEee the photos and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that shirt on you! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Love your photos- and how fun - we missed each other only a couple days- I just have been at Estes Park, Denver, Rocky Mountains- etc. Have fun!!!

  6. Gorgeous photo's Michelle, looks like you had a wonderful time!
