Thursday, November 11, 2010

Finally - Honeymoon Four Part Two - Estes Park...

OMG it's been far too long and I have missed you all! I am still busy with the Mixed Emotions workshop, but I absolutely have to get back to blogging!!! I've got so much to share!!!

I promised to share part two of our Colorado Honeymoon over a week ago, so without further adieu, here are a few of my fave pics.

Estes Park is a cute little town right at the entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park, and we stayed there for three nights. The first thing we did after we checked in to our hotel was take a little walk down mainstreet; and guess what we happened upon??? A scrapbook store! Yeayyy!!! And a fringe benefit was we got to meet the owner's adorable dog Cody...
Isn't he cute? It was hard to get him to sit still for a photo, he was so playful!

The name of the store is Rocky Mountain Memories - here's a pic of the outside, and they even have a website! Click here to check it out...

I loved feeling like a kid with some cotton candy...

And here starts the photos of our day in Rocky Mountain National Park. Now, we had heard that it was going to be the season of the Elk Rut (also known as mating season), so we were really hoping to be lucky enough to see some elk. Well, the minute we pulled into the visitors center at the entrance to the park, look who was sauntering across the parking lot??? We were so excited!!!

The weather was beautiful - sunny and warm, altho it was a bit chilly in spots. Here's Michael at one of the scenic spots we stopped at. It was a beautiful little secluded lake, and there was some snow on the ground in spots here!!!

This was taken at a different spot - a lake whose name I forgot, but it was so beautiful and serene there, I actually make the statement that we should consider retiring there (I never say that!)

Michael made a little friend who wanted to accompany us home...

And the elk - ohhhh the elk! We thought we were lucky to see the one at the visitors center. WELL, little did we know what was in store! Later in the afternoon, we saw a couple of elk up on a hill, and then a few more, and then a whole herd was gathering! And THEN they slowly all started sauntering right towards us; real slow and peaceful-like. It was AMAZING!

There were a few other cars that had gathered there to watch, and everyone was completely silent as the elk came towards our cars. They stopped when they got near us, looked us all over for a minute, and then continued on sauntering right thru the parked cars, and walked right past us! Evidently this was their path and they didn't seem to mind at all that we were right there - jaws dropped - they just walked right on by! I took a gazillion pictures, but here are just a few...

There's something completely adorable about this guy's backside - don't you agree?

Look at the antlers on this guy...

Oh, and these birds (I found out later they are magpies) love to hang out with the elk. I thought they were gorgeous...

here's the little meadow they were heading to - this is only part of the herd...

It was truly amazing and surreal to see them all up that close!

That's it for today's pics, but I will be back with more on honeymoon four, plus photos of new projects soon - I promise!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by, and for your patience while I've been busy!!!


  1. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! GORGEOUS photos!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the elk! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Oh my goodness Michelle... what beautiful creatures!!! (I mean the elk, but you look lovely too with the cotton candy!) The autumn colours on the photos are amazing - what a wonderful trip!

  3. Wonderful. What a nice time. Thanks for sharing.

  4. beautiful photos... looks like you had a lovely time!!!
    {{hugs}} Michelle
