Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday Journal - December 9 & 10 Pages...

For some reason I had ALOT to say on December 9th! Here we go...

On the bingo card I attached a photo of the sweetest gift I received from my friend Julie! The sock-monkey is a hand-carved stamp and it's just the most adorable thing ever! And the cute little cannister will be perfect for tiny beads and/or glitter! Thank you so much Julie!

the back of the bingo card. The bird is from Birds & Blooms magazine...

Straight out of Oprah Magazine...

I've decided to include holiday cards we receive right in our album...

a beautiful photo of Julie & family...

Again - the bird is from Birds & Blooms...(which reminds me - I must resubscribe to that beautiful magazine!!!)...

another holiday card...

Johnny peeking into the box of Studio Calico goodies - ha! I included the stickers that held the SC bags shut right on the page...
Photo taken on my way home from getting some holiday shopping done.

December 10th was a MUCH shorter entry. Image cut from a magazine, and on the right is a sampling of our christmas wrap for this year...

Thanks for visiting!


  1. I hope my card will be on time... I would be honoured if it will end up in your album (but I haven't send them yet, oh dear! Need to work on that in the next days!!!) LOVE your pages Michelle!

  2. Great pages. I have to say, I clicked on the picture of the stamp because with my eyesight, it looked like an owl. It is a very cute stamp.

  3. Can I just tell you how BEYOND HONORED I am that I made your pages twice!?!?!?!?!?!?! Thanks Michelle!! These are all BEAUTIFUL!!! And PS...thanks for hiding my big ole bootie with a sticker!! YOU ROCK!!!!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. love your idea to include your cards! very fun!!!! your journal is going to be fantastic!

  5. I just can't get over how fun your album is. You have the best photos, elements, journaling, etc. My daughter got Birds and Blooms for awhile and really liked it.
