Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top 2000 Day Six...

We are closing in on New Year's Eve, my FAVORITE time of the year! I just love making plans for the new year, a fresh start, a brand new day! I'm busy making new journals, and organizing and making a game plan! How about you? How do you celebrate the new year? Do you make a game plan? Do you have a party? What new things are you thinking about doing this year? I'd love to hear!

We are on day SIX out of seven for the Netherlands Top 2000 Blog Party! Today I chose #501 "Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver. I could not pass up this song! John Denver was my hero as a young teen, and I knew this song by heart. Here's how the layout turned out...
The photo is actually of the road from the cabin we stayed at in the smoky mountains, but I think it illustrates the song quite well, so I went with it. Besides, I've never been to West Virginia so I don't have any photos! (Hmmm... maybe that should be on my list of places to go).

Here's a video of John back in the old days, singing "Take Me Home, Country Roads." Enjoy!

To check out Marit's Blog Party, click here or on the Top 2000 Widget in the sidebar!

In other news, Scrapping The Music has a blogpost up announcing some fun changes for 2011. Check it out here!

Thanks for visiting and I will see you tomorrow with another update!


  1. This is AMAZING Michelle!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee John Denver and love love love love love those clouds! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. We will definitely have a party since my birthday is on new years day! I have just started as a student in culture studies so I'll have my hands full in 2001 (and 2012, 2013, and several more ;-) ).
    Great page! Have fun making plans!

  3. Already saw your TOP 2000 works on Marit's blog and I LOVE it all! They all are so signed by you! You have a unique style which I love very much!!
    Wanna wish you all the best for 2011!!
