Friday, January 7, 2011

Project 12 for November...

My Project 12 layout for November is done, which means I'm all caught up - yeayyy! I followed the November sketch, and here's how it turned out...
All three of the people photos were taken on Thanksgiving, and the other is a photo of a Scrapping The Music layout from November - I thought the words were appropriate, and I like the pop of color it adds.

I was excited to finally use a few things I'd been saving - such as: The blue scalloped border under the photos, which is cut from a paper bag that a gift I bought came in, and the cute little wheely thing with the months on it came from my sister - I love how you can turn the wheel to the correct month - thanks Renee!

Now I can do the December layout and as long as I have it done by Jan 28th, it will be on time - yeayyy!

Thanks for visiting and for your kind comments - I really appreciate them!


  1. Loveeeeeeeeeeee this Michelle!! LOVING the clouds and that scallop border! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. congratulations on being caught up! i love how you can combine elements from different places and products that shouldn't go together - but they do.

  3. Fun Fun Fun! Great mix of colors and products! Fun photos, too!
