Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Another List Page...

I'm skipping around in the order of the "30 Days of Lists," trying to do the current ones, and still make up the old ones. Here's the one from yesterday...

If you want to get in on the 30 days of lists challenge, click here!

In the past couple of days, I've started surfing around the internet, looking for either a book to buy or a class to take that will focus on writing in a fun way. There are some really fun-sounding options out there. Here are the classes I'm considering:

True Stories (instructor: Shimelle Laine)

Just Curious (instructor: Tami Morrison)

And here are the books that look fun:

How to Be An Explorer of the World (by Keri Smith)
Life's Companion: Journal Writing as a Spiritual Quest (by Christina Baldwin)
A Writer's Book of Days (by Judy Reeves)

Have you read any of these books or taken either of these classes? I'd love to know what you think if you did!

Thanks for visiting and I will see you soon!


  1. I'm in on the list prompts too! LOVE the simple-ness of making a list every day (will post my first page today) Thanks for pointing this site out to me Michelle!!! I love your new page!

    I son gave me the book "How to be an explorer of the world" for my birthday - I haven't done anything with it yet. You have to 'work' on it, and I don't have much time for it now, but it IS a fun book! I should place it in sight and do things with it more.

  2. Tank you sooo much for the link to "30 days" that is a good thing for me to keep in my daily if I do not have a lot to journal about...
    Sunny greetings - Irma

  3. This is cool Michelle! I loveeeeeee that kangaroo and loveeeeeee the GREEN! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Your journal page is beautiful and so filled with your life right now. I am a list maker but the actual lists are not in my art journal. I am not familiar with these classes or books - I admit that I used to take classes and read a lot of how to books when I had more money but now I pretty much do my own thing, and I find that many times I am more creative and productive on my own. I love to read blogs llike yours) and get little doses of color and inspiration. Thanks for having such a great blog!

  5. Highly recommend Shimelle's class "True Stories"--definitely worth the time and cost; you get far more than the price of admission!

  6. You can never go wrong taking a class from Shimelle!

  7. Hey Michelle!
    I just signed up to start 30 days today! :)
    Also, check out She Art with Christy Tomlinson of Scarlet Lime. I'm registered to do the class starting in April.

  8. Love this list page! Your style is awesome and always so interesting to see. I could only imagine what they must look like in real life. I think that's what I love so much about art journaling - there is the freedom for so much texture, colour and.... soul is probably the word I'm looking for. Yay for art journaling!!!
