Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Couple of List Catch-Up Pages...

I'm wayyy behind on the 30 Days of Lists challenge, but I did do a couple more pages tonight. The first one is Prompt #27: Vacations to Take...
I tried to stick to places I've never been, but I just had to include Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. Renee and I went there about 7 years ago, and it was so amazing, I really want to go back again someday. The rest are places I've had on my mind for awhile - some longer than others.

The second page is from Prompt #26 - Books I'd like to read this year...
I only included the three that I recently bought. If I get through those three, it will be more books than I have read in the last eight years or so. I used to be a big reader, but I lost my ability to focus on books when I went through my divorce, and I never got it back. I think my mom is watching over me, because suddenly now, I can read again. Mom was a big reader. I may have mentioned this already, but I will say it again, because it really is amazing to me.

I will leave you with my latest photo of the boys in the scraproom. I love their perky little ears...

The "Closer to Fine" slideshow is up at Scrapping The Music, and it looks fabulous! Click here to check it out!

Only 3 more days til 21 Secrets starts! I'm getting so excited!!!

Thanks for visiting and I will see you again soon!


  1. Ohhhhhhhh these are BEAUTIFUL Michelle! I love love love that green in the first one!! And the boys look ADORABLE in that photo! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. I love your lists!!! I still haven't done them all, but are well on my way (only 4 to go - and tomorrows one - that's 5 and then I have a full book!) I love the bright colours on your pages, and you know I adore your handwriting!!!

  3. Just stopped by to say hello, and miss you!
