Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Last Night's Concert...

I didn't get any creating done last night, because Michael and I went to see David Gray in concert! It was awesome! This was my favorite song of the show:

I love the lyrics, especially the part that goes:

"Hey better realize my friend
lord in the end you can't take it with
gotta live

If only for a second
I see a twinklin in your eye
gotta try"

I've been shying away from music since my mom died. It's so out of character for me to do that, but it's just felt too emotional to me. But last night at the concert I was reminded of how healing it is. And how magical.

Thanks for that Mr. Gray!


  1. Michelle, when my father passed away, I couldn't listen to the radio because every other song made me cry. I would show up at work with puffy eyes.

    It eventually gets better as I am sure many people have told you, but there are still times I have to change the station.


  2. Yes, music can do that. I know. I'm glad you liked the concert and little by little, you will enjoy listening to more music. But it IS an emotional art... I'm happy that you liked the concert!

  3. I'm glad you got to go hear some music last night Michelle...that is awesome! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. So glad you were ablet to get out and enjoy it. Love you. xoxo
