Thursday, March 31, 2011

What's Your Fave Scrappy Tool?

The new challenge is up at Fave Things, and it's all about scrapping your favorite creative tool! So, what's yours??? Mine is PAINT...
I had so much fun making this layout because I absolutely used just what I had on hand. The kraft paper in the background was the paper on my scrap desk, used to catch all my paint splatters. And the hearts were cut from a piece of watercolor scrap where I had tested my new watercolors to see how they would look painted over white crayon. As you can tell, I can't bear to throw any painted scraps away!

I also grabbed a tube of gouache that I just finished and pasted it right on the page...
That tube of gouache is at least 20 years old - no lie! I bought a bunch of tubes in college and they lasted this long! With that much history I just couldn't throw it away!

Come on over to the Fave Things blog and play along with us! Show us what your fave scrappy tool is! Click here to go to the challenge!

I've been sprucing up my art journaling tools in preparation for 21 Secrets, which starts tomorrow! I hope I see some of you over there - that would be totally fun!


  1. I sooooooooooooo love love love love this and I have told you time and time again that you ALWAYS ROCK the PAINT...and I LOVEEEEEEEEE that about you!!! Those hearts are AWESOME and loveeeeeeeeeeee that you used a tube of paint on here!! *AWESOME* :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. How could it be anything different then PAINT!!!! I love this Michelle - awesome that you put a tube on it as well!

  3. love the tube of paint and how you used your protective paper! so bright and colorful!!!!!

    i decided to wait on a kit subscription (it's not like i don't have plenty of product) and signed up for 21 secrets. should be an adventure!
