Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wrapped Tape Binding and more Soul Journaling...

I took LK Ludwig's "Just Three Journals" workshop back in November, and loved it; although I hadn't gotten up the nerve to try binding my journal until last night. I made the cover and pages, but I was a bit intimidated by what looked like some intricate sewing. I'm happy to say that I tried it last night and it wasn't hard at all! I finished the whole thing and am so happy with my new journal! Here's how it turned out...
For the cover I covered plain chipboard with a few layers of sewing patterns. Then some gesso circles and a painted flower.

The inner pages were torn from big sheets of Stonehenge paper, and painted individually before binding.

and here's the binding. It's called "Wrapped Straps..."
I have an idea of how I am going to fill it - I will let you know if it works out once I try it. LK Ludwig is having a big sale on her classes right now. If you are interested check it out here.

Here's another page in my Soul Journal. It's not finished yet. I'm letting it simmer. There's journaling covered by tape covered by paint with cut up copies of my older journal pages...

Monday the new 21 Secrets Workshop goes on sale. It looks awesome! Check it out here.

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Because I knew you took this bookbinding class too, I was wondering when your first self-bound journal would appear on your blog: and here it is! YEAY!!! You made a marvelous book my dear! The pages from the side, all the colours - it looks really promising! Can't wait to see what you fill it with.
    I just looked at the 21 secret workshop - wowzah! I better didn't look at it - I would love to join but have no time. I would make it too hard on myself if I did this now... bummer. It looks like a great workshop with a lot to explore and learn! You have fun with it!

  2. I signed up for the 21 Secrets class..It looks awesome....I can't wait for it to start......I love your journal...It is awesome...

  3. These look GORGEOUS my dearest!! I loveeeeeee the colors and love love love love love the circles on that first one! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Hi - stopping by from Art Journaling Every Day! I just bought Creative Wildfire, and tried the wrapped tape binding. I was so tentative about doing the sewing, that I didn't really spend much time picking a cover, or working on the pages first, because I thought, "eh, I won't make it work anyone." And, voila! Now, I wish I had prepainted the pages, etc., but there's always next time! I signed up for a class with LK Ludwig last week, and she hasn't sent me the log in info yet - and I'm so anxious to start!
