Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Beautiful You, Radiant You

I'm back working on my 21 Secrets Projects and I'm excited to share with you! I finished my journal page for "Beautiful You, Radiant You," which is taught by Ingrid Murray. It was a class with many facets to it, but each one focused on knowing who you are. I made mine 11" x 15"...
I picked my images for the mandala with no pre-planning, but when I was done I realized they were almost all of animals, so I made the journaling about my relationship with them - something near and dear to my heart. The photo on the right is of me at about 10 years old, with my dog Teak.

The photo is on a flap that opens with answers to some reflective questions on the back...
Ingrid is a warm and encouraging teacher and I thoroughly enjoyed her class!!! Thanks for the inspiration Ingrid!!!

Now, I get to pick a new 21 Secrets workshop to start on - YEAYYY!

How is your week going?


  1. This is sooooooooooooooo AWESOME Michelle! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee all the animals in the circle! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. I just recently found your blog..so glad I did. Thank you for sharing. Love it! :)

  3. A beautiful and rich layout/page Michelle!

  4. that is one beautiful page!

    loving the 2nd 21 secrets workshop although I have not done a journal page on any of it, but I love seeing all that everyone has to offer.

    thanks for your kind comment at my place
