Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Playing in my Full-Tilt Boogie Journal...

I started playing in my new Full-Tilt Boogie Journal on Sunday and it's been a lot of fun! As I mentioned in my last post, I have completely abandoned my new journaling system - HA! The one where I was going to have five journals going at once, and rotate using them throughout the week. Umm, yeah. I decided I didn't like that idea after all. It felt too disjointed.

We've been talking alot in our class discussion group about this very topic, and it's been so interesting to get different people's take on what art journaling is to them. Then, I read this blogpost from Michelle Remy, a fellow FTB participant, and it really inspired me. I've had some very similar thoughts and it got me thinking.

The result of all this thinking, is that I have come full circle. Just like my very first art journal back in 2007, I am going to just have one book at a time - no rules, no system, no guidelines. Time to just play like a kid again. Now, this definitely feels right.

Here are my first two pages in my new journal...

The background behind the Julia Cameron quote is a photo I took of the road on our walk yesterday. The pattern struck me as beautiful.

Tonight I'm off to play some more and I will be back to let you know how it goes...

Thanks so much for visiting and for your comments! I really appreciate them! Have a great day!


  1. Oh, I like that you used Mary Ann's idea of putting your picture in the front of the journal - that is really cool! Sounds like you're going to have a great time with this!

  2. These are GORGEOUS Michelle! i love love love love the colors and the way you did your journaling! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. What a timely post! Thank you for letting yourself (and all the rest of us) off the hook from rules, regs and the quest for perfection. That's what's been holding me back, I think--the fear that what I create won't be "perfect", so I hesitate to even start. Tonight, I'm going to give myself permission to just play--and do whatever, however. And know that's good enough, even if it's perfectly imperfect. Thanks, Michelle! :)

  4. very impressive work. I commented on the flicker site. Keep it up! You are definitely onto something here...
