Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beautiful Messengers...

This week I had the most magical experience. Two ravens landed on our bird bath and played together there for a long time. You may already know that ravens are my spirit totem animal. Did you know that ravens are said to be messengers between this world and the next? In the four years that I have lived at our current home, I have never seen Ravens at our bird bath, so this was really special. Here's a page I made about it...
I think maybe they were sent by mom and elmer to tell me they found each other and everything is okay.

Here's a closeup...

Do any of you know what your totem animal is? I'd love to hear about it! If you don't know but you are interested in finding out, you can google "totem animals" and find all kinds of resources.

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend! Thanks so much for visiting!!!


  1. My is the albino gecko :) I think I have told you that I have one tattooed on the back of my neck :):):):):) I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee your page about the ravens visiting... definitely Mom and Elmer visiting! :):):):):):):):):):)

  2. That is a real magical moment and magically put on that page! Love it!

  3. Great page with an even better meaning behind it. My totem is the bear.... which encourages us to awaken the potential within ourselves.

  4. How special that was Michelle, two ravens visiting you! I'm trying to catch up on blogposts today (missed a lot the last week...) and it's wonderful to come across Neil Young and 'pause' the bloghopping for a while to listen to that beautiful song! Thanks!

  5. This is so wonderful, Michelle! Ravens are one of my totems, too. They are very intelligent messengers.

  6. Michelle

    That is such a beautiful post, I have always thought of birds being my totem, not any particular one, I will have to give that some thought. Love your mandala, in the post above...Janet
