Monday, August 8, 2011

Journal Fodder Junkies and Deck of Prompts Swap...

I've got two new things to share that I'm so excited about!!! The first one is a challenge I discovered through this inspiring page by Rafael Lopez jr. The challenge is called Journal Fodder Junkies, and they have weekly art journal challenges. They started back in March, and I decided to go back and do them all!

The first challenge is to answer the question "Who Am I"? I've been thinking alot about music lately, so I decided to take a musical twist on the question, and here is what I came up with. I did the page on a record sleeve page of my art journal...
There is something about music that, when it touches you, you can find yourself within it. Know what I mean? I think that's where the magic is. (The owl image is from the Owl Barn Calendar.) The CD insert is from a Mix CD that I made for my trips up north this summer.

To add to it, I did this page on the back of the mandala that was in the record sleeve. It's lyrics from a couple of songs on the CD...

I'm really excited about the Journal Fodder Challenges - they really make you think! Thanks to Rafael for the inspiration!

My Soul Journal Group is doing an ATC swap called the "Deck of Prompts." Everyone is making cards with journaling prompts on them, so when we are all done with the swap(s), we will have a whole deck! How fun is that? Here's a sneak peek of mine - they are all different...
I envision filling up a whole 7 Gypsies drawer with these - wouldn't that be fun!?!

Thanks for visiting and I will see you again soon!


  1. I haven't visited the journal fodder junkies for ages... so they have prompts now eh? NICEEEE! If only I had the time... sigh!
    Your pages look awesome, I'm in oh and awe over the circled journaling on the sleeve! The ATC's are looking good too, great idea for that swap!

  2. Nice! Glad you joined the Journal Fodder Junkie fun ;)

  3. These are AWESOME Michelle... I am loving that first one and how you did the different prompts for the subtitles ... GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):)

  4. Wow! It's exciting that we can inspire each other through our little community. Your artwork is spectacular!

    Thank you so much for mentioning me in your blog! Your encouragement means so much to me!!!

  5. I recognized that owl as soon as I saw it ... it is my favorite image on the list you could pick from. LOL, just thought that was funny for some reason.

  6. Girl, you are on fire! I'm going to check into the various challenges you spoke of. I'm currently participating in a free 12 day word prompt challenge through Big Pictures Classes website. And finishing up a ATC swap "I AM" August swap with Creative Swaps. You can check out more details on my blog

    I am going to become a follower of your blog so I don't miss a thing - you are super inspiring and a lady with such art energy I LOVE IT!

  7. Okay I'm so excited about your posting of these art challenges I blogged about it on my site. Had to share and boast about your artwork... you are a WOW Artist!!

