Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2011 Artwork Collage...

The "No More Excuses" assignment for December is to make a collage of all of your NME assigments for the year. I didn't actually do that, but it gave me another idea...

I decided to make a collage of some of my art projects of the last year to put in my planner. It was easy and a lot of fun to do! Here's how it turned out (click on the image to see it larger)...
It's kinda fun to look back over the year and see the mosaic of pieces as a brand new whole!

Here's how I did it...

I opened a blank canvas in photoshop the size of my planner page.
Turned on the grid feature.
"Placed" each of my project photos on the canvas, and drag to resize the photo to fit in the grid.
"Flattened" the image.
Printed and trimmed to fit my planner page.

I am a complete novice to photoshop, so if I can do it, anyone can - believe me!

On another note, there is a new post up over at Scrapping The Music. It's a tribute to our awesome design team member Yvonne, who is stepping down from the team. Check out the slideshow of her beautiful work with STM here.

Erin asked in the comments, if I would do a post about my setup for Project Life. I am planning to do that in an upcoming post - thanks for the suggestion Erin!

I hope you are having a great week! Thanks for visiting!


  1. Oh wow Michelle... the mosaic is a great idea to make at the end of a year - I might just do that too to show before the music-week begins... do you mind if I 'steal' this idea?

  2. That's a great idea Marit - I don't mind at all! I was hoping some others might want to do it too! Can't wait to see what yours looks like!

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhh I loveeeeeeee this Michelle! What a GREAT IDEA!!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. awesome!!! great retrospective! and you can easily see what you might want to repeat!

  5. This turned out fabulous!!!! I was thinking of doing something like this too!
    Merry Christmas Michelle.

  6. So beautiful, Michelle. How awesome to look back on all of these great pieces!

  7. Wow! This looks amazing Michelle! What a fabulous idea! :)
