Saturday, December 3, 2011

Big News (and an Art Journal Progression)

I am soooooooo EXCITED to tell you (drumroll please)............................

I'm going back to lead the Scrapping The Music challenge blog again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell I'm excited??? I am absolutely GIDDY about it!!! Back in June, I stepped down from the Scrapping the Music team, and I had such mixed emotions about it. You can see my post about it here. I hated to do it, but felt I had to with what was going on in my life at the time.

Well, I sure have missed it. I have missed the inspiration of working with such wonderful women artists, I've missed the music, and I've missed being inspired by the beautiful artwork we get from the participants. STM was a part of my heart, and I'm so glad to be back! We are taking December off for the holidays, but we will be back in January! The design team and I have been brainstorming some changes that we think you will like, and we can't wait to get the new year going! STM is going to be more fun than ever!!! Yeayyyyyyyy!!!! I hope you will want to join in on the party!!! I will keep you posted as our plans progress.

Now, on to art journaling...

I started this spread on my last day of Julie Balzer's "30 Days In Your Journal" class....
The background is an acrylic paint wash (paint plus water), dictionary paper and Cavallini paper tape on the bottom, and some huge stamps in the corners...

On the second day I added some teal paint and doodles...

and on the final day I added some images and rubons and white doodles. So much fun!

The class may be over, but I still have lots of pages left in the journal, so I plan to keep going until it's full.

Did you see the Project Life Binders are in at I ordered two of the Clementine style and I should get them next week. I don't know why I'm so anxious for them, cuz I'm not starting Project Life til January 1st, but I can't wait!!!

Alrighty then - that's it for today. Thanks so much for visiting and I will see you again soon!!!


  1. Oh WOW!!! Two of my fave artists and friends at STM... You and Phin, surrounded by the rest of the amazine bunch - 2012 will be a good year! YEEHAAA!!! Congrats on being back Michelle!

  2. Congrats, Michelle! I'm glad to hear you're excited about going back. And I love all of the recent journal pages. Fantastic. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm so happy you're happy! and I'm so glad that you're BACK! I'm happy!

    and as usual, I love these colors...sigh.

  5. Sooooooo happy you are going back to leading STM!!! You will ROCK IT again!! I love your pages!!! LOVING kitty and the colors! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. Hi Michelle, I love your most recent post and that huge stencil! May I ask where you got it? Thanks, Leslie

  7. Hi Leslie: Thanks! Do you mean the black corner swirls? That is a stamp set made by Fancy Pants (I think). I don't have the container it came in anymore so I can't be sure. I got it at Archiver's. Hope that helps!
