Friday, January 20, 2012

Heaven is Beneath our Feet...

Hi everyone! I've got a couple of quick shares for you today. The first one is a layout I created while at my girls scrap retreat last weekend. It was inspired by the quote, which I got from my friend Lynn - thanks Lynn! The photo of the tulips was taken by Michael...

I used a combination of elements from my Cocoa Daisy December and January kits, plus some bits from my stash. The blue clouds were cut from the back side of the Sunshine paper and glued onto the front.

The next one is last week's Scrapping The Music project, which I can't believe I forgot to share with you! Ack - what is wrong with me??? Oh well, anyhoo, it was inspired by the Selena Gomez song "Who Says"...
I love the line in the song that says "It's like a work of art that never gets to see the light." It makes me think of so many women I've known (including me in the past) who can't see their own beauty because of someone pushing them down. That inspired me to make this art journal page to celebrate the beauty that is in all of us!!!

I finished my Week Three of Project Life and once again had a BLAST doing it! What a fun project!!! I will share soon.

I wish you a wonderful weekend my friends! And p.s. There's still time to join this week's challenge at Scrapping the Music! Click here to check it out - you won't be sorry!


  1. These are GORGEOUS Michelle! I loveeeeeeeeee that sun on the first one! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. These are both great layouts, colorful and fun!!!!!!!!! My daughters love Selena Gomez and would love what you did for her song.

    The sun is pretty and how cool to make the clouds from the same paper as the sun.

    Have a good weekend!!

  3. i love seeing how you use so many different materials on your pages. the first one with the tulips is such a pick-me-up to look at on a gray day.

  4. So so pretty!!! I really love the second one!!

  5. What a great quote and what a fun LO to work on when it was so cold and wintery outside! Glad you guys had a good time! Thanks so much for the cute card! I love it!!!! Definately happy mail!
